The deadline to submit work online for DSVC and to have it in the art office is 4:00pm Tuesday March 1st.  Please submit work here:  http://nationalstudentshow.com/show
DSVC Student Comp Flyer

Senior Show Opening – THIS Friday!

Come out and support our seniors this Friday night at 6pm in the Shore Gallery for the opening of their show, Sincerely, hosted by: Ashton Luckie, Caroline, Taylor, Emily Cromwell, Julie Baugus and Taylor McDaniel.  Earn your Art Event Credits!
Sincerly Senior Poster

Fall 2016 Advising

We will not begin registration until 3/21 but Arlene is opening my calendar for advising appointments starting 2/22. We have Spring Break before registration begins
​and I will be out of town a few days before Spring Break begins ​

so you may want to have your appointments early.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 11.13.18 AM
Click on the youcanbookme link below Arlene’s name in her emails and that will take you to open times on her calendar.​


Mark Your Calendar!  March 22nd

This will be our Department Mandatory Meeting for the semester.  Please make sure you have this on your calendar now.  We have huge schedule things to discuss for the Fall and Spring.  We have adjustments to Painting, Sculpture, Digital Illustration, American Art History, Christian Art History and other courses to discuss.  What will be presented in this meeting will definitely have an impact on your graduation unless you plan accordingly with the new information.