Guest Lecture – Jose Canales

The office of Canales & Co. is visiting the department this Friday at 9:00 am in room 141. Come and hear these alum speak about what they do and are up to at the office!


Please make sure you are familiar with the link on the blog for your reviews. You will find step by step instructions to help you prepare. Freshmen you will do a Foundation Review and
Sophomores you will do a Concentration Review.

All new majors who have only just transferred into the department and have not yet taken an art class we will get you on track next year with your reviews. The same applies if you have only taken one Art class.

Arlene will open an appointment calendar and send the link to you a little closer to the time so you can schedule your reviews. For now you can mark your calendars with the following information and plan accordingly: All Foundation reviews will be 4/28 and Concentration ones 4/29.

Calendar links to set up your review time will be sent out in a separate email in the next day or two.

​Student Competition Show Opens THIS Friday

Please make sure you have Friday night on your calendar. Our annual student show opens with a reception from 5:00-6:30. You can see which pieces made it into the show and find out who has been awarded departmental scholarships. Come out to support your Art & Design friends!

​New Catalog

​If you are interested in talking about the new catalog changes to see if you might benefit from changing catalog please stop by and talk to me.
I think the only real benefit scenarios are:
1.If you have additional history credits that you transferred in that are sitting in your electives
2. If you have taken CORE but have not taken a foreign language and you are willing to take additional History.These are the basic changes:

Social Science requirement changing from 6 hours to 3 hours with the removal of the Fine Arts/Humanities section from that menu and those choices added to the Cultural Awareness menu.
Addition of 3 hours required from new Historical Literacy menu (HIST 117, 118, 131, 221, 222, 250 and THEA 490)
Cultural Awareness and Fine Arts/Humanities menus have been combined for a menu requiring 3 hours (and CORE 210 is now in this menu).
CORE 210 no longer required – replaced by 3 hours of free elective (This is truly a “Free” elective. It does not have to be a general education selection like the other elective in the University Requirements menu. However, there is a stipulation that it cannot be fulfilled by a course required for the student’s major. So you cannot assign one of your courses to that spot. On the sample schedule, it must read “Free Elective.”)
BCOR 310 will be replaced by a second advanced Bible selection. Total Bible hours remain at 15. BCOR will be taught out for the next year.

​​Central Advising

I do not have much more information to give you except that this campus wide initiative will begin in the middle of July. You will receive communication closer to the time about who your advisor will be and where the advising office will be located.