Financial Management

Today’s financial landscape is ever-evolving. It’s global, it’s political, and it’s heavil regulated. As the world of banking, budgeting and building investment portfolios becomes more complex, the need for strong, ethical financial managers in the public and private sector will continue to grow.

If you enjoy problem solving, analytical and critical thinking, earning aBachelor of Business Administration in Financial Management will challenge and equip you to engage in these efforts.

As a financial management student, you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of productive learning experiences, such as managing a student-run investment fund valued at over $1,000,000, traveling on career-focused experiential short trips, or obtaining an internship or participating in one of the many student-run entrepreneurial businesses. The financial management program can help you develop your problem-solving, teamwork, and marketplace skills, providing a springboard into dynamic career opportunities.


  • Accenture
  • Fidelity Investments
  • First Financial
  • Edward Jones
  • AXA Advisors
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Jll, Commercial Real Estate


  • Financial Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Money Manager
  • Commercial Banker
  • Investment Analyst
  • Personal Financial Advisor
  • Budget Analyst


STAR is a student managed fund and is an incredible opportunity for students to manage part of ACU’s endowment while earning college credit. Conceived and originally funded by a small group of ACU Trustees and Faculty members, students began managing this fund in 2000. STAR is an upperlevel finance course that is available to be taken for academic credit.


Have more questions or want more information? Fill out the form below, which goes directly to the College of Business Administration contact

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I’ve loved getting to intern at Betenbough Homes this summer. During my internship, I have had the opportunity to be engaged in multiple work environments. It has ranged from a chicken farm, an office setting, and a construction site. Needless to say, it’s been nothing short of exciting. I feel as though COBA has helped prepare me to be versatile and work in any environment in the workplace!

Jared graduated in 2019 and now works at Bentenbough Homes. 

Jared Clemmer

2019 Finance Graduate