A message from Pruett Gerontology Center’s Services Administrative Coordinator, Sue Garcia:

“Wow!  What fun it has been working with all of you, being around so much energy and goodness. I am about to start a new adventure.  I will be moving to San Jose, California this month.  The Bay area has been home for me for many years before coming to Abilene and I’m so excited to be returning. You know I will continue to be a fan of PGC and our students.  Although I won’t be here this fall,  Helen Teague will be.  You will love her!  She is a good friend and loads of fun to be around…  Be sure to come by the office and say hi as soon as you get back.I am convinced we have the best students on campus.  Blessings to each one of you.  You will do great things…” Sue
Sue will be sorely missed. She has been a pivotal servant at the PGC, creating the “Images of Aging” photography contest and the “Free Hugs” annual events, among many other important programs.
Here are a few pictures from one of Sue’s farewell potlucks: