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November 16, 2015- March 8, 2016

“Images of Aging” Photo Contest for 2015-2016

Dr. Charlie Pruett is  pleased to announce the first “Images of Aging” Photo Contest for all students enrolled at ACU in the 2015-2016 scholastic year. The dates for this year’s contest are November 16, 2015 – March 8, 2016.

Sponsors are the Pruett Gerontology Center, the Arts and Design Department and the Digital Media Center. Students are invited to connect with older adults through the art of photography. Five different categories give the opportunity for a variety of technical skills and creative inspiration.

The contest starts November 16, 2015 and ends March 8, 2016. There are three categories: Color, Black & White, and Mobile. All entries will be submitted and displayed online.

We are excited about this opportunity for both ACU students and our older adult population. Stay tuned to see the results and hear the stories behind the “Images of Aging.”

Please tell a friend and get your camera ready!

For more information, visit:

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