There are traditional gifts for milestone marriage anniversaries but they top out at 60 years. So Wang Deyi, 98, and Cao Yuehua, 97, and their children decided to make “Photo ReCreation” their gift to each other to celebrate 70 years of marriage.

Yes. 70 years of marriage!

Deyi and Yuehua were married in 1945 near the Jialing River in Chongqing, China. For their 70th anniversary, their children helped them recreate their original wedding, as it looked in their wedding photos.


Couple Married 70 Years Recreate Their Wedding & Wedding Photos !

Couple Married 70 Years Recreate Their Wedding & Wedding Photos !


“…they can {still} recite the love poems they wrote to each other during the wartime.” Cao Pangpei, youngest son


As our Images of Aging photo contest continues, consider what photos you might want to take to capture love, caring, the holidays… or all three at once!!!




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