PGC is excited to be among 5000 researchers and administrators from higher education institutions in the United States and around the world at this week’s ELearn World Conference on ELearning in Washington, D.C.. Our paper, “Civic Participation, Public Sphere Pedagogy, and Blended Learning Produce an Intergenerational Town Hall Meeting” reflects the collaborative writings of four generations: Chris Kyker, Dr. Charlie Pruett, Helen Teague, and Ashley Bryan. The paper addresses the sociological, interdisciplinary, and blended learning of the TSHL Town Hall Forum. Over 220 students and Texas residents participated in the Town Hall forum.

Here is the Paper’s Abstract:

Abstract: This paper describes an Intergenerational Town Hall Meeting including six generations of participants.  This paper establishes the protocol of the Town Hall forum mediated by intergenerational, civic participation, blended learning technology and social media tools for pre-service, pre-certification students at a private, Southwestern U.S. university. A partnership between a university research center, state advocacy group, and state, county, and local community organizations provided the Public-Sphere Pedagogy of the Town Hall Meeting. Qualitative pre-event survey data and post-event reflective data was collected and analyzed. These data sources found a correlation between a Town Hall Meeting learning experience and increased awareness, empathy, engagement, and yearning toward civic participation for both students and older adults. This study’s findings are transferable to other higher education departments.

ELearn 2016 in Washington DC