Cluttered Flooring

Clear floor space and get rid of any unneeded things. These items can get in the way, or get caught on clothes, causing a trip or fall.


It can be hard to see where to walk if there is not adequate lighting in the room. Make sure the house is well lit and that all of the lights are in working order. This can also help those who have vision problems.


Wear clothes that fit well and avoid loose clothing. Loose clothing can cause a trip or can get caught on objects. Make sure to wear shoes that fit well and snuggly; loose shoes can also cause a risk of a fall. Also avoid wearing shoes with slippery soles.


Balance is important; if problems arise, there is increased risk for falling. See a doctor to help provide solutions to prevent future falls.


Ask a doctor or read the side effects on all prescribed medications. Side effects can include dizziness or lightheadedness, increasing chances of falling. Work with a doctor to help provide alternative options in medication.


Exercise is key to maintaining strength and well-being. Make it a goal to exercise a few minutes a day to prevent further problems from coming up. Also, visit a doctor for a wellness checkup a few times a year. When problems start arising concerning lightheadedness, dizziness, or weakness, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not wait before it is too late.

Be prepared – discuss any concerns with family or caregivers and take steps before a problem occurs.