Simple Ways To Be Physically Active As You Age

By Haleigh Heath Exercise is very important in our daily lives, but it becomes even more important as we begin to age. Exercise is an easy way to decrease stress, and it helps with your health as well. For example, exercise can decrease the chances of getting a...

Why Everything You Think About Aging is Wrong

When you think about aging, what automatically comes to your mind? Is it decline in health, body, or mind? Why is it that aging is associated with such a negative meaning? Instead, revert your thinking by viewing aging as a positive change. It turns out that life does...

Signs of a Stroke

As you age, the likelihood of having a stroke increases. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of a stroke, especially as you or your loved ones age. Timing matters when a stroke happens and can increase your chances of survival when caught early. When in...

Depression in Older Adults

By Ashlyn Byrd Older adults in America have an increased risk of developing depression, but it an important fact that depression has nothing to do with the normal aging process. Older adults who are likely to develop depression usually have one or more chronic...