The Benefits of Documenting Your Life Story

Have you ever considered writing down the events in your life to document them? It could be a funny story to tell your children and grandchildren one day, document life lessons, tell about important events in your life, or to express the gratitude of the blessings you...

National Senior Citizen Day Guest Post

Intergenerational Ministry By Dr. Charlie Pruett Having taught Aging Studies for over 25 years has given me some discovery. Over and over during those years university students told me their favorite assignment was the requirement to spend time interviewing a person...

Rare Cancer Most Common in Seniors

Getting older can be difficult – joints get stiff and the memory may become foggy. What is often not thought of as we watch our grandkids play and enjoy a nice walk are the toxins that we are constantly coming into contact with, such as asbestos. The toxin is a...

Climbing Mountains @ 86 years

Russia’s Angela Vorobeva recently became the oldest female to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania at the age of 86 years. In her lifetime, Angela witnessed and survived of the notorious siege of Leningrad in 1944, during World War II. Though she lived a life of...