Preparing for an Appointment

It is always a good idea to prepare before going to an appointment. Here are a few tips to make sure that you and the doctor cover everything that is necessary for the appointment. Prepare a List of Concerns Start the list by beginning with what is most important. If...

Decide What You Want in a Doctor

Choosing a doctor can be a daunting and difficult task. Many important considerations are required before making a final decision. Here are a few questions to think about: Do you prefer a male or a female doctor? Is the doctor within a moderate driving distance from...

Early Signs of Diabetes

In the United States today, type 2 diabetes is highly prevalent among our older adult population. Keeping this in mind, it is important to watch out for early signs in order to treat this condition as quickly as possible. Lack of treatment can cause damage to the...

How to Have a Purposeful Life After Retirement

It is important to have a sense of purpose after retirement, as well as keeping active. Here are a few activities to participate in: Volunteer: Volunteering can help take the mind off worries and increases social interaction. Organizations will always need help, and...

Improving Memory

Aging affects our memory as well as our thinking skills. Here are a few options that can help improve memory or cognitive health: Exercise Exercise helps increase blood flow throughout the body and releases endorphins, which can reduce stress and depression. Stay...

The Cardiovascular System When Aging

As you age, your heart works harder due to the stiffening of the arteries and blood vessels. These changes can increase blood pressure and put you at risk for cardiovascular disease. To promote heart health: Try exercising by walking or swimming. This will keep you at...