Benefits of Reminiscence Therapy

Written by Ethnie Stubbs As we journey through life, our memories serve as the threads that weave together the fabric of our identity and experiences. For older adults, reminiscing about the past can be a powerful tool for enhancing well-being and fostering a sense of...

Elder Timeshare Scheme

Written by Andrea Rincón Elderly newlyweds Jack and Muriel planned a romantic getaway in downtown San Antonio. They planned to visit the Alamo, take a riverboat ride down the San Antonio River, and take a carriage ride. Shortly after arriving, they were approached by...

The Cure to Loneliness

Written by Ryan Polce Personally I have experienced loved ones who have spent some time in nursing homes and retirement facilities. The main goal to look at for these residents is to provide a community that will build friendships through housing. These changes and...

Benefits of Music Therapy

Written by Hansen Penya  Music. It’s something that most people experience frequently over the course of their lives. Whether it be on car rides, in the gym, in the shower, while cooking a meal or performing other mundane tasks (such as mowing the lawn), or even in...

Mental Health Concerns Among Aging Adults

Written by Ainsley Mullins   I wanted to do this topic because I am a psychology major and want to understand more about the mental health of aging adults. Mental Health concerns have always been very interesting to me which is why I am pressuring it as my career....