Intergenerational Experiential Learning & Service Opportunities

The Pruett Gerontology Center promotes healthy ways to connect with the older generations both on a personal level and on professional levels.  Because the study of aging involves all walks of life, activities involve all ages and all departments across campus.

The Pruett Gerontology Center helps facilitate experiential learning through intergenerational activities such as:

  • Intergenerational Study Abroad Programs
  • Images of Aging Photo Contest
  • Participation in the Texas Silver-Haired Legislature Town Hall

Free Hugs!

Today was Free Hugs Friday in the Campus Center! Free Hugs is a Pruett Gerontology Center event held right before finals that's lots of fun and a great way to connect students with older friends in a very encouraging way. Did you get your hug? [gallery columns="1"...

Travel is the Key Word: Part 1

Travel is the key word at the Pruett Gerontology Center. Gero Student and PGC Student Associate Laura Baxter will be attending the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association's Annual Convention in Houston at the end of this week. Known as "TSHA" to speech-language...

10-21-13: Weekly Annoucements

        Fall Break is October 25 - October 27~~~Pruett Gerontology Center will observe regular hours but our student workers will be at enjoying Fall Break. Note: Dr. Pruett's Adult Development & Aging Class will meet as scheduled on October...