Casting a Long Shadow

Casting a Long Shadow

Casting a Long Shadow Photographer: Zach SnyderPictured: Bob Gomez Categories: At 79 years old, Bob Gomez is working hard to stay in good shape. This picture captures his daily pre-dawn run. His routine includes running the two miles around ACU every single morning...
A Day on the Farm

A Day on the Farm

A Day on the Farm Photographer: Faith Parsons Pictured: Bryce Anders Categories: Bryce is not like any other person. His work ethic and lifestyle could resemble a mature young adult. At my dad’s ranch, Bryce is always a huge help. Bryce offers great assistance...


Dream Photographer: Katie Pantoja Pictured: Juan Pantoja Categories: Passions never age in a world full of hopes and dreams. - Katie...


Legacy Photographer: Riley Simpson Pictured: Royce Money Categories: Dr. Royce Money gave me a few moments of his time and graced me with stories about his family. This picture captures his face as he is telling me about how he and his wife Pam recently celebrated...


Happiness Photographer: Miranda Garrison-Vela Pictured: Cheryl Rock Categories: This is a picture of my grand mother, she was so excited to have her makeup down and have a mini photoshoot with me. She’s the happiest when she’s spending time with her family, especially...