DVD Small Group Studies

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For more information on these collections, please follow the individual links:  Beth Moore Group Studies     Convergence    Deeper Connections    Life Together Resources   Liquid   Nooma DVD Series Andy Stanley Rob Bell Ed’s Story Basic A Tale of Two Sons

Individual Series:

As You Go: IJM Mission Training

This 30-minute DVD with accompanying leader’s guide will equip your team to be the “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” injustice while traveling internationally. Gary Haugen, President and CEO of IJM, will walk your team through defining and discerning injustice, providing guidance on how to incorporate justice into the good works your team is already doing. Included is a four-part devotional (delivered via PDF within 24 hours) that will help your team prepare spiritually before you go and process spiritually while you are there. As You Go: IJM Mission Training is a great tool – designed to accommodate the needs of any team traveling.









Being Countercultural Restoring Our Identity in a Changing Society

Everyone seems to be talking about how we can make the church “relevant.” But should cultural relevance really comprise the center point of our collective identity? In a fallen world, it seems the people of God are most effective when we they can live counterculturally by practicing discernment, showing grace, valuing responsibility and promoting the restoration of all things. In this study, your group will explore how Christians can fully participate in culture while living lives that sharply contrast our world’s fallen nature.









C2: Giving Movies a Second Look (Presented by Michael W. Smith)

These movies are a fresh, innovative small group study on DVD for movie lovers. They’re designed to help individuals develop critical thinking skills and apply them to what they watch.

In Relapse, a grieving mother struggles to cope with the death of her only child. Feelings of guilt and heartbreak cause her to find comfort in a temporary “fix” made possible by biotechnology. Like an addict, she keeps going back for one more day of escape from her emotional pain … until the innocent words of a child help her see what she’s really doing.

In Love at First Sight, two teenage video store clerks argue about the possibility of love at first sight when the year’s biggest romantic drama hits the shelves. Jessica loves the movie; Dane thinks it is ridiculous. Jessica issues a challenge, he accepts, and their friendly competition leads to an eye-opening surprise.

Watch the trailers here: C2 Facebook Page


Do Something (Miles McPherson)

The Do Something World Process is a simple but powerful 4-step approach to identifying and meeting the needs of your community. Many individuals, churches and organizations have a desire to impact and serve their communities. http://www.dosomethingworld.org/


Easter Experience 

Make Easter more than a holiday. The Easter Experience is a video-driven study with the power to change lives with the message of God’s loving plan for us. Using dramatic story-telling and challenging teaching by Kyle Idleman, the six-episode series brings the passion and resurrection to life.http://www.easterexperience.com/


Epic (John Eldredge)

In a dramatic retelling of the gospel in four acts, John Eldredge examines the power of story, the universal longing for a “plot” that makes sense deep inside us, our desire for a meaningful role to play, and how all of this points us to the gospel itself.


Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God (Henry & Richard Blackaby, Claude King) (Publisher’s description)


Everything Must Change (Brian McLaren)

The impact of our society and the demands upon the religious community call for a thoughtful response from followers of Christ. If believers don’t change, all is lost.

This 8-week DVD study, based on Everything Must Change (978-0-8499-0183-6), shows how the message of Jesus provides a framing story that brings healing and sanity to the dominant societal and global realities of our time: systemic injustice, poverty, and dysfunction.

Intended to be used with the trade book, this DVD study will help participants discover a “form of Christian faith that is holistic, integral, balanced, that offers good news for both the living and the dying, that speaks of God’s grace at work.”


For Women Only (Shaunti Feldhan)

For Women Only is for every woman who wants to support her man in becoming all that God intends him to be. Growing out of the popular For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men and its eye-opening discoveries, this seven-week study will help women put their relationships under the searchlight of God’s Word. With its focus very specifically on men, this study can lead to change in heart attitudes for any woman who participates.

Practical tips growing out of biblical principles—combined with the author’s insights and timely interviews with men themselves—will help women put their new insights into practice day-by-day. Grounded in biblical hope, For Women Only is for all women—whether single, dating, or married or simply relating to male coworkers in the workplace or siblings or dad at home. It is an ideal outreach to women who do not have any connection to a local church, but have a desire to strengthen their marriage or relationships.


God is Closer than You Think (John Ortberg)

What Are You Waiting For? Intimacy with God can happen right now if you want it. A closeness you can feel, a goodness you can taste, a reality you can experience for yourself. That’s what the Bible promises, so why settle for less? God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t for monks and ascetics. It’s for business people, high school students, busy moms, single men, single women … and most important, it’s for YOU. God Is Closer Than You Think shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your heavenly Father. Bestselling author John Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life. He shows you God’s hand stretching toward you. And, with his gift for storytelling, Ortberg illustrates the ways you can reach toward God and complete the connection—to your joy and his.


H20: A Journey of Faith 

H2O is a DVD-driven, ten-session experience designed to create a safe atmosphere where people are comfortable considering the person of Jesus Christ. Through high-definition video, H2O uses carfefully crafted storytelling to reach a media-savvy generation. This H2O library contains everything needed to plan and host the program: Ten episodes on 3 DVDs / Participant’s Guide Leader Training and Resource DVD Sample invitations, poster, and postcard STORM-a ten DVD series that helps answer the tough questions about God, creatin, the Bible, Jesus, suffering, prayer, Satan, afterlife, and questions about questions. http://tv.cityonahillproductions.com/h2o.php 


Hooked: Don’t Take the Bait of Temptation (Doug Fields)

Money. Sex. Pride. Drugs. Glory. The lure of temptation is strong, and all it takes is one bite to get hooked—sometimes for life. Temptation is everywhere! Even if you’re not experiencing temptation at this moment, it will be knocking at your door in no time.

Help your students get a big-picture perspective on how God wants to help them deal with temptation. And then follow up with some very practical steps they can take to prepare them to deal with tomorrow’s temptations and protect them for years to come.

This four-week series covers:

  • Identifying and dealing with temptation
  • The importance of positive friendships
  • God’s plan to help us break the cycle of temptation
  • How Jesus is the model for us to follow


Hope Lives (Amber Van Schooneveld)

Hope lives, and that hope is personified in Jesus Christ. We can offer that hope to our world but we are also to help relieve the pain and suffering so prevalent in our world. So take your small group go on a journey with us. A journey that transforms hearts. A journey of restoration.


Jesus Loves You This I Know (Craig Gross and Jason Harper)

Meet face-to-face with people from the book! Jesus Loves the Porn Star In this film you’ll meet “Porn King” Ron Jeremy and “Porn Pastor” Craig Gross. Find out what these unlikely friends have learned since meeting. What if we tested the limits of Jesus’ love? Jesus Loves the Outcast Pastor Jason Harper and his friend “Gay Joe” talk about how they met and what it means to be made in the image of God. Are you showing love to all of God’s image bearers? Jesus Loves the Broken Meet a brave woman who contracted AIDS and chose to stay with the man who gave the disease to her. Today more than 30 million people are infected with HIV. Does Jesus love them? Jesus Loves the Skeptic In this film you’ll meet a gay man who is isolated from his family because of his sexual orientation. Gay people face a world of closed doors, wagging tongues, and hate crimes. If Jesus loves them, why do his followers give them the cold shoulder? Jesus Loves the Crook Meet “Eddie,” a repeat offender who went to Folsom State Prison multiple times. Find out where he is now and what motivates him today. Seven million people are in a vicious cycle, in and out of the American prison system, being paroled only to end up in the same life, the same sins. What could God’s love do in their lives?


Justice for the Poor (Jim Wallis and Sojourners)

When the wealthy are dying from diseases of overabundance and the poor are dying from inadequate health care, poor diets, and stress-related illnesses, there is spiritual disease in society. Justice for the Poor recaptures the biblical vision that links poverty with justice. Jesus’ life and teaching shows a deep compassion toward the poor and marginalized. His messages often highlight the injustices done to the poor and the prejudices the well-off have against them. How can we learn from the poor? What is our responsibility to care for the poor and to advocate for justice on their behalf?









The Kingdom Way of Life Restoring what it means to Follow Jesus

The word “kingdom” is casually used by many people today but it’s hard to decipher what it really means. How can Christians uncover what the Kingdom is, and how can we live in pursuit of it here on earth? In this study, your group will scour the Scripture’s teaching on this subject to uncover what Jesus actually meant when he preached the Kingdom of God and determine how those teachings should shape our lives in the here and now.









Life Rollercoaster: Surviving the Twists, Turns, and Drops

College students can have knowledge in some areas, confidence in others, and experience elsewhere…but at the end of the day, many still harbor anxiety about co-existence. It’s ‘feeling a part’ vs. ‘feeling apart.’ Every installment of Highway Visual Curriculum will have a theme. A subtle thread will tie the segments together, treating important themes like self-esteem, grace, discouragement, encouragement, grief, guilt, and forgiveness. Taken together, the segments will present thoughtful — and thought-provoking — video statements from many sides in many modes.


On Location: Moments with God from Around the Globe (Kurt Johnson)

What can the world teach us about God? Quite a bit! On Location uses famous places from around the globe to illustrate eternal truths about following Christ. From how to survive Junior High to opening up hearts to God’s calling, this Super-Series puts you in first class seats to deliver Biblical truths to your students in record time.









Love is an Orientation: Practical Ways to Build Bridges (Andrew Marin)

Much of today’s culture defines bridge-building and reconciliation as a one-way street that leads to full theological, political and social agreement. Yet Christ demonstrated a different path of religious and cultural engagement to establish his kingdom here on earth. In light of such countercultural principles, the Christian community needs a new view on the issues that divide conservative believers and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities. Using the practical applications Andrew Marin has learned over the last decade of living and working in the LGBT neighborhood of Chicago called Boystown, as well as his international speaking and consulting ministry, this six-session, video-based study offers a variety of practical teachings, insights and life lessons. Rather than avoiding the topic of homosexuality, Love Is an Orientation aims to equip the Christian community to bridge the gap between LGBT and religious communities. This is not a group study about ‘fixing’ gay people. It’s about getting to know them, engaging them, and loving them like Jesus does. After this study, you, your small group and your church will know what it means to peacefully and productively build bridges with the LGBT community.



The Open Table Vol. 1 & 2The Open Table introduces believers and nonbelievers to the person and deity of Christ in a new and refreshing way.

There are many people who argue God doesn’t exist and many who argue God does. Still, millions know that, all arguments aside, what they feel in their souls is a need for God. To some, the idea of searching for God sounds as ridiculous as chasing a leprechaun to get his pot of gold. And yet few go looking for a leprechaun, while millions go on looking for God. At the heart of the Christian story—the story at the heart of The Open Table—is this basic idea: God shows up in the lives of people who search for Him.  http://www.jointheopentable.com/









Putting Plan B into Action (Pete Wilson)

Broken dreams and disappointments can be a source of healing and a pathway to eventual growth. As you listen to Pete Wilson’s DVD sessions, participate in discussions, and share with others in your group, you will begin to experience God’s help and see God at work in your life and each other’s. Six sessions of DVD teaching, discussion questions for going deeper with your group, prayer, and plus 5 days of reading & reflection at home will bring you hope.









Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of John (Margaret Feinberg)

An eloquent weaving of art, Scripture, and spiritual insight,Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of Johnexplores the riches of the Gospel of John. Whether you are watching on your own or with a group, you’ll find breathtaking portraits of salvation, redemption, and restoration. Filmed in an art studio, the six-session DVD Bible study explores the entire gospel of John and what it means to celebrate and radiate the beauty of Christ in your own life.









Pursuing God’s Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis (Margaret Feinberg)

The book of Genesis reminds us that God has been telling our love story since the foundations of the world. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, abounding in imagination, creativity, mystery, and wisdom. And even when we question God’s love or act in disobedience, God pursues us. Pursuing God’s Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis, a six-session DVD Bible study, is designed to take participants through the entire book of Genesis and explore the unflinching love of our Creator.


The Power of Sex: Helping Students Understand God’s Plan for Sex

This series tackles the difficult and often misrepresented topic of sex. Doug explores not just how students are assaulted by sexual messages, but how the choices they make will shape their entire lives. While this series addresses the consequences of bad decisions, it is focused around encouraging and teaching students how to make the right decisions – and offering the forgiveness of an almighty God when things don’t go as planned.

Week 1: Distinguishing Truth From Lies
Week 2: What a Girl Wants
Week 3: Who a Guy Is
Week 4: The Word on Sex
Week 5: How Far is Too Far?
Week 6: I’ve Messed Up, Now What?


Relationships by Design: God’s Blueprint for Intimacy

Ah, college. When dating actually becomes serious, instead of just seeming like life and death. And even if your students aren’t meeting their future spouse just yet, chances are they’re looking at dating with an eye as to what they want their marriage to look like. So now is a great time to dig into God’s love letter and explore how He designed relationships to work—both while dating and in marriage. Those interested in college ministry should not go without this collection of lessons.

Lessons by Chuck Bomar include:

God’s Design for Marriage

  • Origin of Marriage
  • Plan for Marriage
  • Intimacy in Marriage
  • Purposes of Marriage

God-Given Roles in Marriage

  • Condition of Marriage Today
  • Male and Female – Equally Designed
  • Male and Female – Distinctly Designed
  • Ephesians 5:15-21 commentary – setting the context
  • Ephesians 5:22-33 commentary – an in-depth look
  • Further look at distinct roles
  • Understanding application in our context/culture

Dating Relationships

  • Introduction
  • Questions to ask in light of God’s design
  • Questions to ask in light of God-given roles
  • Questions for personally preparing for marriage
ReGroup: Training Groups to be Groups (Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue, John Townsend)

In this revolutionary new curriculum, Henry Cloud, Bill Donahue, and John Townsend establish a whole new training paradigm—one that equips leaders and groups simultaneously and gives them everything they need to start and sustain a life-changing group.









Sacred Rhythms (Ruth Harley Barton)

Spiritual disciplines are activities that open us to God’s transforming love and the changes that only God can bring about in our lives. Picking up on the monastic tradition of creating a “rule of life” that allows for regular space for the practice of the spiritual disciplines, this book takes you more deeply into understanding seven key disciplines along with practical ideas for weaving them into everyday life. Each chapter includes exercises to help you begin the practices–individually and in a group context. The final chapter puts it all together in a way that will help you arrange your life for spiritual transformation.


Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)

Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author of the national bestselling study Lies Women Believe, can now come to your home or small group with her powerful teaching on revival.

These twelve, biblically-accurate and easy-to-understand, 15-minute sessions on DVD expand upon the Bible study material encouraging women to go deeper in their study of Scripture, personal reflection, and prayer—an ideal resource for ladies’ small groups or individual use. Let the Spirit of God bring revival to your heart. It’s an eternal investment you’ll never regret!


Start Becoming a Good Samaritan  http://www.juststart.org/

What does it take to “love your neighbor” in a global community? Partnering with World Vision and The C2 Group, Zondervan presents a new DVD study, start>Becoming a Good Samaritan—an unprecedented initiative to help Christians live out Christ’s love in world-changing ways right where they live. This groundbreaking training program helps small groups, families, Bible studies, entire churches, and organizations of every size explore the most pressing issues of our time—then start actually doing something about them.


Starting Point: Finding Your Place in the Story (Andy Stanley) http://startingpointresources.com

Starting Point is a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. Starting Point groups are a safe place for people with questions about faith, as well as those who want to learn about the Bible and Christianity. Groups meet for about 10 weeks and together explore the grand story of the Bible. One of the goals of Starting Point is to help participants find their places in the story.









Staying Grounded Restoring the Ancient Practices

In a world where newer is better and the headlines of yesterday are old news, it’s tempting to throw out anything that smacks of tradition. But is there something in the rhythm of ancient Christian practices that would benefit 21st century believers? In this study, your group will discover habits with the potential to lead us into deeper communion with God and ignite our collective passion for the mission of Jesus.








Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright)

Many Christians believe that our future in heaven is all that really matters. But that’s not what the Bible teaches. Premier Bible scholar N. T. Wright takes you inside the Scriptures to grasp the full, breathtaking hope Jesus offers the world, and its implications for how we live our lives today as believers.









The Poor Will Not Always Be With Us (Dr. Scott Todd)

Ending extreme global poverty is not only possible, it is probable. And soon – in our lifetime. Skeptical? Give yourself 10 minuets as Dr. Scott Todd, a skeptic turned advocate, gives clear and compelling evidence on why extreme poverty is on its way to the history books. Find out how a unified global Church will lead the way to make it happen.


The Trouble with Paris: Following Jesus in a World of Plastic Promises

This DVD-based series helps people examine three different levels of reality: hyperreality-that which the media tells us we should seek; reality-the world we really live in; and God’s reality-what we should ultimately be seeking. The Trouble with Paris emerged out of a series of talks that Mark Sayers had developed, originally titled “How Paris Hilton Made Me a Better Christian.” This series of talks was responsible for hundreds of young adults rediscovering faith in profound ways.

The product features four 20-minute video episodes full of unique animation, fast-paced teaching, and relevant subject matter. This participant’s guide will serve as a companion to the DVD (sold separately).









They Like Jesus But Not the Church (Dan Kimball)

In They Like Jesus But Not the Church  you will encounter the firsthand thoughts and feelings of those who find Jesus attractive but don’t care for organized religion. Here are insights that will allow you to respond truthfully, caringly, and engagingly to such concerns as:

  • Isn’t the church just organized religion that is politically motivated?
  • Is the church homophobic?
  • Does it take the entire Bible literally?Read part of the participant's guide...
  • Does the church repress women?
  • Is it judgmental and negative?
  • Does it arrogantly think all other religions are wrong?

Unchristian: Changing the Perception

Ground-breaking research presented in the best-selling book,UnChristian, reveals that 16-29 year olds perceive Christianity to be anti-homosexual, judgmental, hypocritical, too political, sheltered and proselytizing.

This study summarizes their perceptions and moves the conversation forward by providing key insight into how Christians can change these perceptions when we become more like Jesus.

Perceptions are reality and this study will move participants to not only be more aware, but to actively engage with their community.

David Kinnaman: The Outside View, Gabe Lyons: UnChristian: Change the Perception, Rick McKinley & Shane Claiborne: Change the Perception


Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really. (John Eldredge)

In the book Walking with God, John Eldredge shows us what an intimate relationship with God looks like day to day. God longs to speak, and it is our right and privilege to hear His voice. Yet, somehow, the looming discontent of most Christians is a lack of conversational intimacy with God.

In this Walking with God DVD, which acts as a companion to the book, John takes us into an even deeper intimacy with God. In 12 messages that embellish key sections of the book, John offers insights for deepening our bond with God. He speaks directly to your small group with suggestions for discussion and ways to help one another on this journey. Join him as he guides us through a journey that leads to an intense conversation with our Creator.

The Walking with God DVD once again proves that walking intimately with Him is a normal and essential part of the Christian life.


Where You Live Matters: Developing a Vision for Your City http://qideas.org/studies/

In Where You Live Matters: Developing a Vision for Your City, groups will be challenged by a fundamental lifestyle question: Should where you live dramatically shape the way you practice your faith?

It’s not just about what you can afford, the square footage you need or the size of the garage. Maybe it goes much deeper than that. Is it possible that God has a bigger vision for our apartments, houses and neighborhoods than we do? What about the places we shop, the neighbors we encounter, the cities we call home?

In this Q Society Room study, groups will discuss God’s heart for the world He created and how local places—the cities and neighborhoods in which we live—are central to that. Participants will be exposed to what the Bible has to say about cities; they’ll be encouraged to embrace a theology of place and discuss recent trends regarding urban and suburban development— making sense of their connection to the Christian faith. Get ready to think differently about where you live. God has a vision for your city.
Timothy Keller: Grace of the City, Mel McGowan: From the Garden to the City, Joel Kotkin: The Future of the Suburbs, Timothy Keller: Grace in and For the City


The Whole Gospel:  Revisiting Our Message to The World http://qideas.org/studies/ n The Whole Gospel: Revisiting Our Message to the World, groups will be challenged to gain a more holistic understanding of the gospel that reshapes our lives and our message to a broken world.

The Bible is a story. Not like a children’s fairytale or a sci-fi fantasy. But a grand story that tells us about God and his work in the world. So the Bible is also our story. But the way we share our story with others reveals the kind of gospel message we believe in. Many Christians have come to believe in a gospel that is only concerned with getting individuals to heaven, but could there be more?

In this Q Society Room experience, your group will be challenged to revisit the story of the Bible. You’ll explore the richness of its themes and see how it shapes every aspect of our lives—from what we believe to how we live, how we interact with culture and how we share this essential “good news” with others.

Tim Keel: The Gospel Revisited, Ron Martoia: Spiritual Conversations, Charles Colson: Cultural Commission, Jamie Tworkowski: To Write Love on Her Arms


3 Story: Preparing for a Life of Evangelism (Dave Rahn)

Evangelism is an essential element of every youth group. But when traditional evangelism methods prove awkward, ineffective, or uncomfortable for students to embrace, it’s almost impossible to equip your students to understand and share their faith. But 3Story is different. 3Story is a way of life that guides followers of Christ to BE good news while telling stories of THE Good News. Based squarely on relationships, 3Story focuses God’s story, my story (the student), and their story (their friends). This two-disc curriculum course (based on Youth for Christ’s 3Story training) presents an interactive learning experience that equips students to live and practice the 3Story lifestyle—a biblically based, culturally relevant form of discipleship-evangelism that emphasizes being real in personal interactions. With eight 50-minute training sessions—and options to use as is or create your own 3Story training event—this curriculum kit is an ideal resource for youth workers who want to teach students how to build deep, authentic relationships with Jesus and genuine, transparent relationships with friends. *Includes 2 DVDs and 5 participant’s guides.


3:16 The Numbers of Hope (Max Lucado)

A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. http://www.maxlucado.com/316/





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  23. آشپزخانه
    10:58 am, 12.09.20

    پزخانه باید شمالی-جنوبی یا شمالی-غربی باشد زیرا دارای هوا ی گرم است و باید درجبههٔ هوای سردخانه باشد. اگر این امکان وجود نداشته باشد باید به وسیلهٔ بالکن یا ایوان به فضای باز وصل شود. همچنین آشپزخانه باید در مجاورت باغچه سبزیجات و انبارمواد غذایی باشد و به فضای بازی بچه‌ها و ایوان و ورودی دید داشته باشد. اگر سعی شود که آشپزخانه در نزدیکی در ورودی یا پارکینک طراحی شود بهتر است
    دوره ثروت ساز کسب درآمد از اینستاگرام

    • Philip Johnson
      10:50 am, 05.11.21

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  24. شرکت فرش مسجدی بزرگترین تولید کننده گلیم فرش ماشینی در ایران و خاورمیانه است .گلیم فرش های این شرکت به صورت گلیم فرش های رولی و برشی و گلیم فرش های مختلف در سایز های متفاوت عرضه می گردد. این شرکت علاوه بر تولیدی گلیم فرش ماشینی محصولات دیگری همچون فرش های ماشینی ۷۰۰ شانه و ۱۰۰۰ شانه و ۱۲۰۰ شانه نیز تولید می کند . جدیدترین محصول فرش ماشینی شرکت فرش مسجدی , فرش های ماشینی ۱۵۰۰ شانه است . تمامی فرش های ماشینی این شرکت با بهترین کیفیت و مناسب ترین قیمت بازار تولید و عرضه می گردد. از آنجا که شرکت فرش مسجدی خود تولید کننده فرش های ماشینی می باشد محصولات آن به قیمت تولیدی و با ارزان ترین قیمت انواع فرش های ماشینی عرضه می گردد. یکی دیگر از محصولات فرش ماشینی گلیم فرش , تابلو فرش های چهره است .که با نام های مختلفی همچون , تابلو فرش سفارشی , تبدیل عکس به تابلو فرش , تابلو فرش هدیه , تابلو فرش چهره سفارشی عرضه می گردد , تابلو فرش های چهره به دو صورت تابلو فرش چهره بافتی و تابلو فرش چهره چاپی می باشد . یکی دیگر از عرصه های فعالیت شرکت گلیم فرش مسجدی , تولیدی انواع تابلو فرش های ماشینی در طرح های مختلف گل و گیاه , تابلو فرش منظره , تابلو فرش آیه قرانی , تابلو فرش و ان یکاد می باشد . برای مشاوره و خرید انواع محصولات شرکت فرش مسجدی با ما تماس بگیرید .

  25. شرکت فرش مسجدی یکی از بزرگترین تولید کنند های انواع فرش های ماشینی با بهترین کیفیت و مناسب ترین قیمت فرش ماشینی است . انواع تولیدات فرش مسجدی در زمینه تولید فرش های ماشینی با کیفیت شامل فرش های ماشینی ۷۰۰ شانه به صورت ساده و برجسته همچنین هشت و ده رنگ , فرش های ماشینی ۱۰۰۰ شانه ساده و برجسته , فرش های ماشینی ۱۲۰۰ شانه ساده و برجسته با بهترین و به روز ترین دستگاه های تولید فرش ماشینی می شود. به روز ترین محصول فرش ماشینی، فرش های ۱۵۰۰ شانه هستند . علاوه بر این تولیداتی همچون گلیم فرش های ماشینی ساده در دو پالت رنگبندی سرمه ای و بادامی جزیی از تولیدات شرکت فرش مسجدی با کیفیت ۳۲۰ شانه می باشد . فرش های ۵۰۰ شانه ورژن دیگر محصول پرطرفدار و صادراتی امروزه فرش و گلیم مسجدی می باشد. تبدیل عکس به تابلو فرش و تابلو فرش های چهره جزیی از خاص ترین هدیه ها و ارزشمندترین کادوها برای هر شخصی است که به دو صورت تابلو فرش چهره چاپی و تابلو فرش چهره بافتی توسط شرکت فرش و گلیم مسجدی صورت می گیرد . همچنین این شرکت قادر به تولید انواع فرش های ماشینی مسجدی به نام فرش سجاده ای و سجاده فرش در کیفیت های ۵۰۰ و ۷۰۰ شانه به صورت اکرولیک و پلی استر می باشد .

  26. همه ی ما زمانی که برای خرید تابلو فرش و یا خرید فرش به بازار می رویم دنبال این هستیم که به روز ترین طرح و نقشه های تابلو فرش را بشناسیم
    و یا بدنبال این هستیم در عین اینکه یک نقشه ی به روز و پرفروش تابلو فرش را خریداری می کینم از نظر جنس و کیفیت نیز خاطر جمع شویم.
    یکی از پرفروش ترین طرح های تابلو فرش ، تابلو فرش ملکه گودی وا می باشد.
    در مورد این تابلو فرش و انواع تابلو فرش های ماشینی در این مقاله بیشتر توضیح می دهیم.

    خرید تابلو فرش:

    زمانی که برای خرید تابلو فرش به بازار می رویم باید چند مورد مهم را بشناسیم:
    • اول: شناخت نقشه ی تابلو فرش
    • دوم: شناخت تابلو فرش اصل
    • سوم: انتخاب سایز تابلو فرش

    شناخت نقشه ی تابلو فرش:

    تابلو فرش ها بخصوص در بافت ماشینی که خیلی سریع آماده می شود.
    همچنین بدلیل سایز کوچک تابلو فرش هر نقشه ای براحتی روی تابلو فرش پیاده سازی می شود و سریع آماده می شود.
    نقشه های تابلو فرش در چندین طرح وجود دارند:
    • تابلو فرش آیه
    • تابلو فرش منظره
    • تابلو فرش گل
    • تابلو فرش مینیاتوری
    • تابلو فرش تندیس
    • تابلو فرش حیوان
    • تابلو فرش چهره
    • تابلو فرش ایران باستان
    • تابلو فرش فرانسوی

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