Grant applications are open

Grant applications are open

Both travel grant and internal research grant applications are open. To apply for Travel Grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research apply through the Travel Grant Application by Monday February 10, at 5 PM. To apply for Internal Research Grants apply through the...

Eligibility for Undergraduate Research Festival

1. Applicants must be current undergraduates enrolled in a college or university or are a recent (December 2013) graduates. Only current undergraduates may compete for prizes. 2. Presentations must feature undergraduate research carried out during April 2013-April...
Tina Johnson – Biology

Tina Johnson – Biology

Name: Tina Johnson Major: Biology Classification: Sophomore Hometown: Colorado Springs Mentor: Dr. Joshua Brokaw, Biology What I Study: Currently, I am researching a new species of plant known as Mentzelia monoensis, a plant native to Mono County, California. Though...

Social Work Research Published in Conference Proceedings

Social work major Jennifer Carpenter’s paper “Factors Influencing College Attendance in Adopted Children” was selected to be published in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Proceedings, 2013. Jennifer’s mentor is Dr....