Tina Johnson – Biology

Tina Johnson – Biology

Name: Tina Johnson Major: Biology Classification: Sophomore Hometown: Colorado Springs Mentor: Dr. Joshua Brokaw, Biology What I Study: Currently, I am researching a new species of plant known as Mentzelia monoensis, a plant native to Mono County, California. Though...
Karli Southward – Social Work

Karli Southward – Social Work

Name: Karli Southward Major: Social Work Classification: Senior Hometown: Abilene, TX Mentor: Dr. Stephen Baldridge, Social Work What I Study: Beginning last spring our research team began to compile a community assessment over a local Head Start program, through the...
Jess Wheeden – Psychology

Jess Wheeden – Psychology

Name: Jess Wheeden Major: Psychology Classification: Senior Hometown: Monroe, Wisconsin Mentor: Dr. Orneita Burton, Management and information Systems What I Study: My research began with the aim of finding the most “profitable” work environments for men...