Andy Reflection

0 Commentsby   |  02.09.11  |  Reflection (P1)

HThis project was a really tough one for me to wrap my head around. From going to designing packages and posters all last year to an interactive interface with buttons and links was really hard to get started on. I feel like the biggest weakness that i had during this project was conceptual. It took me some time just to get my direction and get rolling on my design. To be honest i had looked at the AIGA website so much that it was more complicated to create a new design than it should’ve been. The treatment of all the text and how to organize it was so hard for me. I had trouble straying away from the original AIGA design because thats all I had been looking at for the past few weeks. Unlike designing poster where there is literally hundreds of pieces of inspiration out there, looking for inspiration for web design seemed to be a lot harder for me. It took me over 2 weeks of mixing and matching and trial and error to finally get my direction down and get rolling on my design.

As far as my stance on the technical issues, photoshop is a very tedious program to use. I don’t mind designing in it but when it comes to dealing with shapes and different treatments of type, it became very frustrating. I could’ve designed in illustrator and moved it over to photoshop but I think that doing the whole project in photoshop will help me become more familiar with it like i am illustrator. And thats what im striving for.

I already know that there are areas that i need to improve on. One are that i was very unhappy with was the way that i treated the text in the articles. I feel like the text is too cluttered and that i couldve spent a lot more time focusing on that. Overall i feel like it was a good project as far as my knowledge of web design goes. I learned a lot and really am looking forward to do it again.

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