Blog 2: Scholastic Influence

1 Commentby   |  01.31.13  |  Student Posts

Scholasticism had a very profound influence on the way many sciences and other systematic studies are conducted today. Since scholasticism was the “beginning of  the end of the Dark Ages” their reflect a new and enlightened way of thinking. One concept from the scholastics that has influenced modern practices is this distinction between truth and what we perceive as truth. For example, in psychology, people are often diagnosed with delusions of grandeur. Although a patient may believe he is one thing, a doctor will be able to make the distinction of who he really is versus who he think he may be. the doctor will have to treat the patient with the reality of the disease rather than the fantasy of the delusion. This idea is stable across all fields of science and research.

Scholasticism has also influence Christian thinking. A Christian will hold the belief that God is real. Regardless of whether a person believes in God or not, he is there and cannot be ignored in most or all aspect of life. The concept of truth is then defined as a constant. It is something that no person can change, but can have changes in the way we perceive truth.

The perception of truth then becomes our biggest debate. The scholastics were not so much concerned with new knowledge as they were with understanding what had already been taught or written. Those interested in education or higher learning can very much benefit from this idea. Interpretation largely influence the way we come to learn about a new concept or idea. The textbook says that the scholastics would learn new ways of approaching old concepts, as in Abelard’s Sic et Non. Teaching students to look at ideas from a variety of different view points, defend their own views, and even be able to argue for a view outside of their own makes for a well rounded and very logical individual. Although the scholastic thought process became less and less prominent, without their teachings, I believe many of the scientific field we have today may have stayed in the “Dark Ages.”

1 Comment

  1. Emily Bibb
    3:14 pm, 02.01.13


    I appreciate your views on the scholastic influence. I especially like what you had to say about perceptions of truth. Everyone has a different perception of truth and as we grow and mature, that view changes. Because we are always in forward motion, we are always learning and our perceptions are ever-changing. But that does not make the truth we perceive un-true. I’ve heard said that: “People only see what they want to see.” I think the Scholastics were on point in their approaches to learning. To learn from a variety of different viewpoints and disciplines makes for an individual who is able to consider an idea or subject fully. This process of learning is much like a liberal arts education. As a part of our education, we are required to take a variety of different classes in different concentrations. These classes help to shape us and broaden our worldview so that we can approach an idea and consider all sides of the concept. Thank you for the post!

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