Physiology and Redemption

4 Commentsby   |  10.18.13  |  Second Blog Post

Physiology was a rapidly developing area ages ago. I think that physiology can be related to redemption. God has promised that our downfalls and can be turned around and I think that that can be thought of as going hand-in-hand with the biological and physiological outlook on psychology. Physiology has helped us understand so many things on a biological level, things that we may have never known otherwise. Things such as schizophrenia and the case of Phineas Gage are things that we have gained knowledge about through looking at the body and the mind in a biological way. Now that we have more knowledge about the causes of these illnesses and can address them in appropriate ways. This is how I relate this to redemption. When hearing about the speech centers in the brain and the Broca and Wernicke area’s these were discovered through biological research. Now people that suffer from damage to these areas have explanations to give people versus people making assumptions about the reason why they are that way.

However I think that physiology can sometimes be attributed to the fall. In the case of phrenology, sometimes ablations in the brain were given too much importance the way that the lower class and thieves were studied is strangely unethical. And if people put too much stock into something such as biological predisposal to being a thief, then society loses hope for the people and believe that they cannot overcome their prediction of being a thief.


  1. Rebecca McQueen
    7:40 pm, 10.18.13

    I think that this was good in showing how all things are meant to work together! Just as psychology needs physiology which also needs biology, the fall had to occur in order for there to be redemption. It’s all part of the master plan.

  2. Lindsay Lowe
    5:27 pm, 10.20.13

    Laura Kate, I found interesting your point on physiology attributed to the Fall. How this relates to the field of psychology and such. I would almost think that physiology in general could be attributed to any of the four categories, but I liked how you categorized phrenology with redemption.

  3. Mengyuan Tang
    4:41 pm, 10.21.13

    I like the way you relate physiology to the category of redemption. Our mental life is an interaction of biological and non-biological factors. Physiology provides valuable biological information to explain human behaviors and biological treatments often have desirable effect when other methods have failed.

  4. Kasey Morgan
    10:32 pm, 10.21.13

    I absolutely adore this post! I think it was very interesting to pick someone enveloped in the physicality of our bodies and put them into Redemption. I really like when you said that “God has promised that our downfalls and can be turned around”. You really took your faith and combined it with the science of psychology. I appreciate that you see the curing of illnesses as redemption. When you switched gears, I thought it was interesting that you went to the Fall. Phrenology is definitely something that I struggle with understanding because it seems so rudimentary to classify humans in such a way.

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