McDougall and Creation

3 Commentsby   |  11.15.13  |  Second Blog Post

William McDougall brought about a new idea to psychology. The idea of purposive behavior, this type of behavior was different from reflexive behavior which many psychologists before him had been studying. This type of behavior focused on variety, spontaneity and improvement through practice. Essentially the type of behavior that McDougall was talking about is behavior that is very specifically thought out before it is produced. McDougall talks a lot about the importance of having a goal, and that there is something within every person that causes them to strive towards a goal, there is an internal drive that keeps them going. Because of this, I believe that McDougall’s ideas best align with Creation. He believes that people are capable of more than just mindless reactions, he believes that there is always a goal in behavior. If there is no creator, than there would be no reason for actions and behaviors that are purposefully thought out. So by saying that behaviors are thoughtful, intricate processes, McDougall supports the idea that a creator had to put these ideas within the human brain. Mcdougall then goes on to speak about the importance of instincts, he believes that instincts will interact in specific ways to cause motivation, in a very intricate process. There is no way that this intricate process could just arise, it was very specific and thought out by a creator who made man for a specific purpose. McDougall’s ideas about the intricacies of behavior and motivational tendencies truly lead one to believe that he is in support of an all mighty creator.


  1. Irene Anderson
    9:20 pm, 11.17.13

    Wow! This is so cool. I love that you talked about McDougall and his views. I like that God has given us desires and wants and based on those we create goals. This is immensely insightful and encourages me. There is no point without Christ. Our behavior or life is meaningless without him. Well done Nicole! 😀

  2. Jacey Ferrara
    9:33 am, 11.18.13

    Nicci, I love your post! I find McDougall really interesting! And I love the way your post engaged my understanding of him and what he contributed to psychology… this idea of purposive behavior! I think that is something we can fail to analyze in ourselves sometimes actually. Why did I just act the way I did? Well, maybe it doesn’t have EVERYTHING to do with how I was raised or what was modeled, maybe it has to do also with what I’m after. Is it power? Authority? Recognition? This is something I could think about for hours. Also, this purposive behavior reminded me of personality types: Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Peaceful Phlegmatic, and Perfect Melancholy. We have these temperaments and sometimes those can be referred to as why we might have tendencies to act or feel a certain way. I also LOVE your connection to God, our Creator. Definitely, I can see how purposive behavior relates to a God who intended and designed us specifically with Heavenly desires, motivations, and attitudes. Awesome post, I really enjoyed it!

  3. Maddy Spell
    11:18 pm, 11.18.13

    I enjoyed reading this! I feel like you made a great point. The ideas that McDougall brought forward opened a line of thinking that helps prove a higher power, rather than question it. Psychology is such a scientific study that people constantly want proof of things going on in the mind. And I think the concept of people, and God, having goals in mind is proof that there are somethings you cannot study. And that doesn’t make it less real.

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