Modeling and Fall

5 Commentsby   |  11.15.13  |  Second Blog Post

Modeling is a learning theory that learning occurs by observing the behaviors of others. People, especially children learn behaviors simply by watching and imitating others. In this basic form of learning, the model plays an important role. The model can be an actual individual in daily life, such as parents or teachers, or can be a real or fictional character in media programs. The model can also be a verbal instruction to describe a behavior. People are naturally apt to engage in observational learning. Therefore, modeling can be unintentionally, and it can also occur on purpose by the model trying to teach a particular behavior. Both desirable and undesirable behaviors will be learned through modeling in either way.

As we live in a fallen world, people may easily learn undesirable behaviors by poor modeling. In the famous Bobo doll experiment, which was conducted by Albert Bandura, we are surprised to see the little children hit the Bobo doll so aggressively after observing the violent actions of an adult model. Due to the undesirable behaviors learned by modeling, I want to put it under the category of Fall. Here I am thinking of a specific example-the contagion of suicide. Suicide is a sin, for the giving and taking of human life should remain in God’s hands. Researches have reveals that one suicide case can be a model for anther suicidal act. People, especially teenagers, are more likely to kill themselves when they observe or hear of the other person’s suicide. The cases of suicides by celebrities or other highly publicized cases will bring about imitators and trigger more similar suicides. Even an educative video about suicides may have the contagion effect. Suicides by familiar people, such as friends, classmates or colleagues can also be a model for another tragedy.


  1. Rebecca McQueen
    10:07 pm, 11.17.13

    Very interesting post! I really liked the way you thought about this! I think it can also be said of sinful habits throughout generations in families – as one member may sHabitually struggle with something, this is often passed down to the next generation unless it is broken

  2. Jessica Weeden
    1:21 pm, 11.18.13

    Mengyuan, I lreally enjoyed reading your post. These thoughts regarding modeling are very insightful. It is amazing how much of behavior is explained through modeling. Unfortunately the situation regarding suicide modeling is true. That definitely fits in the Fall. Could you say that this could also fit Redemption? When communities come together after tragic suicides, the influence of the neighbors behaviors shape the community. A sense of support becomes contagious. All too often though it seems we learn more negative behaviors through modeling than good ones.

  3. Anna Pierce
    6:29 pm, 11.18.13

    Cool post very interesting idea about how the fall applies to modeling. Very good examples. modeling our lives after imperfect humans is not what God intended.

  4. Hillary Richardson
    11:12 pm, 11.18.13

    I would have never thought to compare modeling to the fall. I agree that we live in a broken world and that the modeling is not perfect. I would have never thought comparing it to the fall though, however, it makes sense! I really enjoyed reading your post!

  5. Caroline Nikolaus
    11:16 pm, 11.18.13

    Jess, I think modeling could fit into many categories too. Creation-we are modeled after God, we act and think and have hearts in God’s own image. Fall-we see society and lust for things that gain us power, fame, popularity, wealth. Redemption and Restoration- learning from the positive forces in our lives, our faith, communities, etc. Modeling is a powerful thing.

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