D.A.D.’s DINER begins Wednesday, September 16th.  The Department of Art and Design’s Diner will occur weekly from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. each Wednesday of the fall semester. It is an invite-only, sit-around-the-table, get-to-know-you meal in the home of Jack and Jill Maxwell.

They really want this to be a relaxing time where all can talk, laugh and enjoy something delicious. The plan is to invite only 2 or 3 of you at a time, rather than a large group, so as to encourage conversation and community. There may also be a few upperclassmen invited to share their “wisdom”, or perhaps even another faculty member or two, but the dinner table only seats 8 so that’s the most that’s comin’.

So now, when you do get your “special” invitation to D.A.D.’s DINER, this week or perhaps 6-weeks from now, we hope you will take this opportunity to build some relationships with your fellow students and your professors.DAD's Diner