Art & Design News-Oct. 12th

Fine Arts Chapel- October 13th. in the Williams Performing Art Center at 11:00am.  This chapel is a combination of art & design, theater, and music students. Art & Design Chapel-October 15th at 11:00 am in Don Morris 141. Ryan Feerer will be speaking.  Ryan is...

Art & Design News / September 7th

Application Packets for Study Abroad Summer Program are located in Don Morris 142. If you are interested in participating in the Art/Design Oxford/Florence Study Abroad program stop in DM 142 and pick up the application.  This group will leave around May 15 and return...


The ASID fall kick off is here!  Come for an evening of fun!  Our ASID officers want the opportunity to meet you and to develope a friendship that will last throughout our careers.  Please come to 2425 Campus Court (North across Ambler Ave, 4 houses down to the right,...