Study Abroad Scholarship Offer

The Study Abroad Office is offering $1000 scholarship awards for Fall 2019 in Oxford and A&D students are also eligible for an additional $1000 from the Study Abroad office so you would get $2000.  If you want to go to Oxford and are willing to go THIS Fall you...

Mandatory Meeting for all Students:

Tuesday, February 26th in Shore at 4:30.  Students please make arrangements with your work and other classes so that you can attend this meeting.  If you are going to be unable to attend please email me with a reason so I can give that to Mike

Mandatory Meeting

Please mark your calendar for our department mandatory meeting on Tuesday Feb 26th at 4:30. Please try to arrange work schedules and other meetings so that you are available to attend.


Please remember to check the blog for information and under the Resources tab you will find the form you need to complete for art event credits.