New Course offered Fall 2013

This course, History and Philosophy of Science – PHYS/PHIL378.01, has been added to the Fall 2013 offerings.  The class emphasizes theater, literature and the visual arts.  It counts as a Gen-Ed science requirement.  Art and Design students are always welcome and...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements for week of March 18: Welcome Back!  I hope Spring Break was good and you are all ready for the next two months that will fly by till the end of the semester. Please be aware of registration dates for the Fall semester.  You can find those on our...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements for week of February 25: Senior Show, Signature, opening THIS Friday in Shore Gallery at 6pm hosted by Lene Botha, Emily McCommas, Bailey Evans, Kelcie Broom and Ashley Beddingfield. Advising Appointments: Please look back at the Advising Email...

Mandatory Department Meeting

There will be a madatory meeting on Tuesday March 5th at 11:30 in the Shore Art Gallery. Please make every effort to be there. If you cannot make it for any reason please come by the art office and give your name to Arlene Kasselman. This meeting will focus primarily...

Advising Appointments with Arlene

You may begin booking 15 minute advising appointments through the YouCanBookMe link at the bottom of this post.  Registration will not begin till the last week of March, however you probably do not want to wait till the last minute and we have Spring Break to...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements for week of February 11: Happy Monday Everyone! I imagine many of you are exhausted from Sing Song and a full weekend.  We have several things to make you aware of this week. You will be receiving an email from me in the next few days about our...

AIGA Member News

Designers! Our AIGA chapter is off to a great start this semester, thanks to everyone involved, with so many great things planned! Grab a pencil and scribble down these dates – you won’t want to miss out! – NEXT AIGA MEETING Thursday, February 21st at 6pm...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements for week of February 11: Lost and Found: I have a few random things in my office in case you have lost something over the last few weeks. Wishing Well, an ACU student-led social justice organization, is hosting an art competition open to all...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements for week of February 4:    Summer Sculpture class:If you are needing Sculpture 1,2,3 or 4 you might want to look at our Summer offerings.  We have a class listed as ART490 – Advanced Studio Problems: Sculpture.  This will meet the...

Weekly Announcements

Weekly announcements for week of January 25th: Monthly Interior Design Chapel will be next Tuesday, February 5th, in DM 209. The topic will be ASID-American Society of Interior Designers. This will be an informational discussion about benefits attached to membership...