A&D Chapel 

Join us in 141 for Department chapel tomorrow for our new Fall series Palette. Mike will be speaking to us.  See you there. Earn an art credit by attending two department chapels per semester.

FRIDAY: November 15th Tanner Freeman Guest Lecture hosted by AIGA

Tanner Freeman Guest Lecture
Friday, November 15th,
10 am
Tanner Freeman will be speaking on Friday, November 15th at 10 am. After graduating in 2011  from ACU A&D, Tanner started a graphic design studio based in Waco, Texas. He later moved the studio (DuexSouth) to San Antonio where he currently provides branding, interactive and video services to a variety of clients. He will be speaking about the transition from graduation to starting his own business. Tanner is amazingly creative and a fantastic human being! Make plans to be there!

SATURDAY: November 9th Polly Jones Studio Visit

The Fine Arts Organization is hosting a studio visit with Polly Jones this Saturday morning at 10am. Students are meeting at 9:30 outside Shore Gallery to car pool. There is space for 5 non-fine art majors if anyone else is interested.  Please RSVP to Missy by text: 325 370 2101




