Study Abroad Scholarship Offer

The Study Abroad Office is offering $1000 scholarship awards for Fall 2019 in Oxford and A&D students are also eligible for an additional $1000 from the Study Abroad office so you would get $2000.  If you want to go to Oxford and are willing to go THIS Fall you may want to check out this offer

FRIDAY – Senior Show

Come out on Friday, Feb 22nd at 5:30 to Shore Gallery to support Alex Holley, Clayton Arnold, Mallory Rogers, Grace Meroff & Hannah Johnson for their senior show, Cool Art Kids.


Mandatory Meeting for all Students:

Tuesday, February 26th in Shore at 4:30.  Students please make arrangements with your work and other classes so that you can attend this meeting.  If you are going to be unable to attend please email me with a reason so I can give that to Mike




