Weekly Announcements 5/2/17

Study Abroad Interest Meeting

We are making plans for our summer 2018 study abroad trip! We will be taking 22 students and it’s going to be incredible. This is not just for A&D Majors, each year we have non-majors attend so tell your friends if you think they will be interested. This trip typically fills up fast so come to the interest meeting.
Tuesday, 11:30am-12:00pm, May 2nd
DM 143 (2D Design Room)

Instagram Competition

Our final IG competition is in full swing! Enter your work!


Make sure you are prepared for Foundation Reviews this Thursday and Concentration Reviews on Friday. Check your appointment times and arrive 10-15 minutes early. Graphic Design Jr’s your reviews are on Monday. Fine Art joint critiques for Painting and Sculpture students will be in DMC 141 3-6pm.

Helpers Needed

Arlene is looking for about 5 students who can volunteer to help move Art work that did not make it into the show into the hallway outside my office today and tomorrow. Once this task is done she need help setting up tables and chairs very carefully around the floor pieces in the gallery. She am not able to pick anything up yet so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.




