If you’ve started and are running your own business, we’d like to feature you and your company in a regular series for the blog. Maybe you’ve started your own business from the ground up, or you’ve opened your own office for a larger company (insurance, investment services, AVON, etc.), or anything in between – we want to hear from you. We are asking you to share your experience with our current and prospective students. Let us learn from you!

If you’d allow us to feature you, please send an email to amanda.pittman@acu.edu, with answers to the following questions:

1. Tell us about your company. What do you do?
2. In a few brief paragraphs, how’d you get started?
3. What class, project or professor helped prepare you the most for your journey?
4. What’s one piece of advice you’d share with future and current business students at ACU?

We looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks for letting us share your story.