Student Digital Portfolios – April 22, 2019

Student Digital Portfolios – April 22, 2019

Landing a job after graduation is a competitive game. Students need to think out of the box to truly stand out from the crowd and get attention. You can’t really judge a person’s skills, character, or experience based on qualifications and claims alone. Learn about different portfolio options that are available to all students at ACU (even after graduation) and how digital portfolios can enhance your presence in the job market.

Presenters: Marisa Beard, Stephen Rektenwald, and Amos Gutierrez

Adobe Workshop: 7 Tools To Get Started With Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Workshop: 7 Tools To Get Started With Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool available to all ACU Faculty, Students, or Staff. Illustrator is a creative industry standard that allows anyone to create logos, icons, drawings, typography, and complex illustrations for any medium. Whether using this to create the next big thing, model a personal project, or design a poster for display at an upcoming conference, Illustrator has what it takes. Follow this video as ACU’s Adobe Ambassador, Amos Gutierez, and ACU Library’s Digital Design Specialist, Chai Green, walk through some of the essential tools to get started with Adobe Illustrator.

Watch the session on Vimeo.


Maker Mondays: Preparing Your Laser Cutter Project

Maker Mondays: Preparing Your Laser Cutter Project

ACU Maker Lab’s Laser Cutter is one of its most popular tools. Many people that come in to use it spend much of their appointment time trying to complete their project at the Laser Cutter computers. Make sure to check out this workshop by the Brown Library’s Digital Design Specialist, Chai Green, as he goes through some tips and tricks for setting up your next project for the laser cutter in Adobe Illustrator.