
Holiday Activities for Seniors

The holidays can be a fun time of year for everyone. Seniors can participate in many activities in their local communities and even in the comfort of their home. Here are a few holiday ideas to participate in the community: Go and see the city or town’s Christmas tree...

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When to Give Up the Keys

One of the hardest things for older adults to give up is driving. It can feel like giving up a huge part of your independence, so it can be hard to cope. Here are a few signs to know when to give up driving: Getting confused and lost. Ignoring traffic signs Swerving...

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Avoiding Caregiver Burnout

In America today, more than 43 million adults are caregivers to parents, grandparents, spouses, and other older adults. This includes rides to the doctor and grocery store, feeding, bathing, dressing, and giving the person the proper medication. Caregiving can cause...

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects many older adults across the United States. COPD is a progressive disease which causes damage to a person’s lungs. A person usually figures it to be “shortness of breath” and ignores it, causing it to progress...

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Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is age-related and caused by damage to the macula. The macula is the small spot in the center of the retina. It can take a while to notice the symptoms of macular degeneration but as it progresses, a blurred area in the central line of vision...

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Oral Health for Older Adults

Older Americans are more prone to dental issues but with proper care and treatment, the teeth can last a lifetime. Here are a few tips on how to maintain overall oral health: It is important to brush the teeth twice a day accompanied with flossing. Brushing throughout...

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Cold Weather Safety

Winter comes with low temperatures and brutal weather. Older adults need to take precautions in order to stay warm and well. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Keep warm inside the house and in buildings. Throw on a sweater while in the house and keep your home to at...

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Flu Prevention

The weather is getting colder which means it is flu and cold season! Over 60 percent of adults over the age of 65 are hospitalized due to the flu. Here are a few tips for preventing harmful illnesses: When going to the store, wipe off the handle of the grocery basket...

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Managing Anxiety

In people of all age groups, anxiety is highly prevalent. In older adults, stress can look different compared to younger adults. Anxiety in the elderly usually stems from worrying about illnesses or future social interactions. In older adults, many often feel secluded...

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