
Aging & Driving

Getting one's license is a huge milestone in many people's eyes; having this new sense of independence can be life-changing. You suddenly do not have to rely on others for your transportation. Need to go to the store? Want to go hang out with friends? Going to church?...

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Successful Aging- What is it?

The saying "Oh they have aged well", as well as, "time did not do them good" are both phrases we have heard people use to describe those who have reached later stages in life. Statements such as these appear to be placing the older population in two categories: who...

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Speech-Language Pathologist

Physical Therapist

I had the opportunity to interview Marci Williams, who is a director of rehabilitation at Wisteria Place Skilled Nursing and Rehab and therapy resource for Ensign Services, for Careers in Aging Week! Here is her account on working with older adults:   What do you...

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