Qualitative Research

Endorsement for Tim Sensing’s Qualitative Research

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Finally! A much-needed resource for Doctor of Ministry programs, this comprehensive text offers a detailed account of the components and purpose of Doctor of Ministry projects. Drawing upon his own experience in such programs, Sensing presents a wide range of social-scientific research tools within an approach to practical theology that is both emergent and dialectical. Aimed primarily at students who assume pastoral leadership of congregations, this text is useful for other contexts of ministry in which transformational praxis is the goal. His attention to forming mature theological thinkers and critically reflexive researcher-practitioners has the power to enhance the quality and credibility of Doctor of Ministry research projects. Sensing’s clarity of thought, purpose and writing style make this text an excellent resource for both students and faculty.

—Lorraine Ste-Marie, DMin, Assistant Professor on the Faculty of Human Sciences and Acting Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario


In this volume, Dr. Sensing clearly and thoughtfully lays out the process for developing and writing a Doctor of Ministry project thesis. The book focuses primarily on various qualitative research methodologies describing them and giving specific examples of their use. The multi-methods approach he takes allows for both the flexibility and the rigor necessary to produce a quality thesis. Sensing is committed to projects that are grounded in solid theological foundations and implemented in local ministry contexts.  This is a must read book for DMin students and advisers.

—Dave Bland, Professor of Homiletics, Director of Doctor of Ministry, Harding University School of Theology

Tim Sensing has written a major textbook for every seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program.  Appreciating the strengths and limitations of these programs, Sensing offers a guide and sourcebook for students in designing and writing their project theses.  Equally important is his approach to the degree and project in which the student is a practical theologian engaging theology as a communal, formative, critical, and public activity.  The church desperately needs quality doctoral work producing rigorous research that contributes to the practice of ministry.  Those who share this goal have a valuable new resource.


Lovett H. Weems, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC, and author of Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, and Integrity (Abingdon)


For clergy engaged in the serious and unique work of the Doctor of Ministry, Tim Sensing provides a much-needed resource to help students conceive, design and, yes, complete their DMin projects. Sensing builds for DMin students a research toolbox both wide and deep that will allow students to build projects of integrity and substance. Administrators and faculty will find the textbook particularly helpful in directing students to the possibilities, pitfalls, and applications of various qualitative methods. This is a welcome addition to the field of Doctor of Ministry education that will certainly serve to advance the discipline for benefit of both the individual minister as well as the church.

—Rev. Gary B. MacDonald, Director, Advanced Ministerial Studies, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

Coming in the summer of 2011. For ordering copies, contact:

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Available from Amazon after June 20, 2011