Igniting Our Spiritual Potential

Ephesians 3:14-21.

The U.S. Government gives a standard deduction for each dependent. You read the paragraph in the tax code three times. You called 1-800-426-1040 and verified that each child qualifies you for a deduction. You know it. What will you do? Will you go ahead and pay the IRS the full amount or will you take advantage of a legitimate deduction allowed for in the law? Will you apprehend that which you comprehend?

Paul prays in Ephesians 1 that you might know your position in Christ. That you comprehend your position in Christ as one called and redeemed. In Chapter 3, Paul prays that you might realize those blessings in your life. That you may experience the power that comes from your position. Comprehension to Apprehension. Will you apprehend that which you comprehend? “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.” And Paul prays that you plug into the power source. Each item on Paul’s prayer list deserves rapt attention.

    1. Inner Strength (16) In order that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.
    2. Indwelling Christ (17) So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
    3. Immeasurable Love (17b-19) And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, to have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and know this love that surpasses knowledge.
    4. Inclusive Fullness (19b) in order that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

The Fullness of God: To know to capacity the life and power of God himself. Suppose I take a glass to the lake and scoop out a glassful of water. I do not have the lake in the glass; the lake is still there and will never miss that glass of water. But at the same time, I have the fullness of that lake in that glass. It is inclusive fullness. Every ingredient that makes up the water in that lake is also in my glass. Pollution, chemicals all the essential characteristics of that lake are in my glass. If God is love, then a believer who is filled with God will be able to express love.

Question: How is God’s fullness apprehended/expressed concretely, in the life of the congregation? In your life?

The discussion question is complex. Maybe the following will prompt discussion. Think about a list of God’s virtues, God’s characteristics, God’s identity.

    1. If God is mercy, then a believer who is filled with God will be able to express mercy. How is this apprehended/expressed concretely, in the life of the congregation? In your life?
    2. If God is holiness, then a believer who is filled with God will be able to express holiness. How is this apprehended/expressed concretely, in the life of the congregation? In your life?
    3. If God is compassion, then a believer who is filled with God will be able to express compassion. How is this apprehended/expressed concretely, in the life of the congregation? In your life?
    4. If God is long-suffering/patience, then a believer who is filled with God will be able to express long-suffering/patience. How is this apprehended/expressed concretely, in the life of the congregation? In your life?
    5. And the list continues …

Therefore, all the church is able to do is doxology. When we, like Paul, bow in prayer contemplating the power of God, we are driven to praise. Praise for God’s Inexhaustible Power (20-21): Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

The community of God who knows the working of the Spirit, the indwelling of Christ, the fullness of God, and immeasurable love—can know the inexhaustible power of God. The one who redeemed us, sealed us, seated us in the heavenlies, is also able to give us all the power we need to live God honoring lives.

There is no limit to God’s power. In Greek, the limitless power of God is expanded five times.

    • God is able to do all (panta) y’all ask or think.
    • God is able to do above all (huper panta) y’all ask or think. Second Expansion!
    • God is able to do abundantly above all (perissou huper panta) y’all ask or think. Third Expansion!
    • God is able to do more abundantly above all (ekperissou huper panta) y’all ask or think. Fourth Expansion!
    • God is able to do infinitely more abundantly above all (two prefixes) (huperekperissou huper panta) y’all ask or think. 5x’s expanded exponentially — Beyond Beyond!
    • And what is more, says the writer, this inexpressible power is at work within us, the church!

Question: Since Paul is talking about the church, it is an excellent practice to recall ways God has acted beyond ways we have asked or imagined in the life of the congregation. Examples? What is the church currently planning? What is on the church’s horizon soon? What would it look like if God did even more than our plans imagined?

And all of this is for the glory of God in the church. The more the church grows in its relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit—experiencing the love and power available—the more glory is bestowed on the Father.