Walking the Worthy Walk: Called to be One

Ephesians 4:1-16.

So, just how is God’s exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all power expressed itself concretely in the church? How is the manifold wisdom of God displayed in the church? The first expression is in Christian unity.

The lack of Christian unity is one of the deepest scars on the face of Christianity since the early days of the church. Acts 6, the neglect of widows, and Acts 15, the inclusion of Gentiles are two examples. 1 Corinthians describes the lack of unity around various issues from morality to law courts to the resurrection. There has not been any group or denomination that has avoided division. Even among the so-called unity movements throughout Christian history. The Restoration movement itself is plagued with division. How long will it be before God answers the prayer of Jesus that all of us be one as he and the Father are one?

God has always been about unity. In the beginning God created … out of chaos and void. God has filled the void and ordered the chaos. And the church is the visible expression of God. As God’s people, we reflect God’s activity in the world. We partner with God as God’s story continues to unfold. Moreover, what happened at the cross should be expressed in the church.

Question: How is division perceived by various demographic groups? The loyalty to franchises and institutions has waned with younger generations. Can we differ without dividing?

We were created different but called to be one. Uniformity breeds division. Diversity allowed encourages unity. We will all be working together each supplying what is lacking in the other. But it is only where the atmosphere of humility that this unity can be maintained. Unity is created by Christ. It is our task to maintain what Christ has created. We will need to sacrifice our own interests and freedoms for the sake of others. The good of the many is greater than the good of the few. 4:13—Unity takes time. There needs to be latitude and patience. Love is the only way to achieve unity.

Ephesians 4:1–16 gives concrete ways for the church to pursue unity. Below is the list provided by the Highland curriculum writers.

Attitudes Which Lead to Unity

  • Worthy of the calling
  • All humility
  • Gentleness
  • Patience
  • Bearing with one another in love
  • Making an effort
  • Acknowledging a bond of peace

Foundations for Unity: Unity is based on what we share in common.

  • one body
  • one Spirit
  • one hope
  • one Lord
  • one faith
  • one baptism
  • one God

Our unity is based on the reality of these seven foundations. Unity is more than just getting along; it is founded in core beliefs of what it means to be a Christian. Our one body is formed through the working of the Spirit to give us hope because of what the Lord did in his faithfulness which we responded to in baptism all under the power of God.

Paul paraphrases Psalm 68:16 in v. 9. This compares Jesus with Moses, who went up on the mountain to return with gifts. Christ went up to send/give us gifts. The idea could be Christ ascending to the throne and sending the Spirit back with gifts. Or it could be Christ coming to earth in the incarnation to give gifts. This is a complex passage. The point is Christ has given us gifts to use for unity.

Gifts for Unity

  • apostles
  • prophets
  • evangelists
  • pastor teachers

Unity, the Purpose of Gifts

  • to equip saints for work of ministry
  • for building up the body
  • to come to unity
  • to come to knowledge
  • to maturity
  • to measure up to the full stature of Christ

For the body to function in unity each of us must recognize the gifts we have been given. We join those gifts together to build our congregation into the full body of Christ. Each individual Christian is given different measures of grace, gifts.

Truth Leads to Unity

  • Not being tricked
  • Speaking truth in love
  • Each part works
  • Goal of growing in Christ through love