Abilene Christian University


Research, Creativity

and Innovation


Un·der·grad·u·ate Re·search

/ˌəndərˈɡrajo͞oət ˈrēˌsərCH/ noun

Any inquiry or creative expression that makes an original contribution to an academic discipline.

Join Our Student Group—

Undergraduate Scholars (Us)

If you have participated in faculty-guided original research or creative expression, we encourage you to be recognized as a member of the ACU Undergraduate Scholars honor society.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to participate in the Undergraduate Research Festival as a member of the ACU McNair Scholars Program. My project would not have been possible without the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Steven Moore, James Scudder, and the wonderful professors that encouraged me along the way. 

Tres Cox


The most memorable part of my academic career, so far, has undoubtedly been participating in ACU’s Undergraduate Research Festival. I loved this experience because I got to work alongside my favorite professor (Dr. John Boyles) as he empowered me with the skills to produce something that is both relevant to scholars and personal to me.


Hannah Garza
Bible and Ministry

Participating in undergraduate research at ACU has been an extremely positive and rewarding experience! Not only am I able to truly delve into topics that interest me professionally, but I have the chance to do so under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Undergraduate research is the perfect opportunity to gain experience in your field, while at the same time develop strong relationships with knowledgeable professors!


Noah Pruitt
Political Science

Research at ACU was a tremendous opportunity all thanks to my mentor, Dr. Xu.  He taught me to apply the concepts I study in class to the lab, not to mention the work and discipline that research requires. Working alongside incredible team members gave me insight into how we answer the questions research asks of us and gave me a truly supportive community.


Ranj Lohony

Join the URCI Festival!

Every spring, ACU hosts the Undergraduate Research, Creativity, and Innovation Festival. Students from Abilene and beyond exhibit creative products and research in posters, performances, and oral presentations representing Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM. Prizes are awarded to outstanding presentations and faculty mentors! 

News & Announcements

Spring 2019 Travel Applications Now Open

Spring 2019 Travel Applications are now open and are due by 5pm on February 1. The Office of Undergraduate Research awards travel funding for both undergraduate research students and faculty mentors to travel to a conference to present and showcase scholarship....

Physics Team Announces Incredible Achievement!

The PHENIX Collaboration, a team of Physics researchers including ACU Faculty Rusty Towell, Donald Isenhower, and Michael Daugherity, as well as ACU students Hannah Hamilton, Cecily Towell, and Daniel Jumper, recently published the paper, "Creation of quark-gluon...

Faculty-Guided Funding Opportunities

URCI Grants

Undergraduate Research, Creativity and Innovation Grants encourage faculty-mentored research and creative projects by providing financial assistance to students, faculty, and project needs.

Cullen Grants

Cullen funds are generated by an endowment from the Cullen Foundation and support faculty research projects in all academic areas, with the exception of mathematics and the natural sciences.

Math-Science Grants

The Math-Science grant fund was established to provide a source of internal support for any qualified faculty member at Abilene Christian University to provide time for faculty scholarship during a summer term.


Russell “Rusty” Kruzelock

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