Posts Tagged ‘moving image’

Her Morning Elegance Stop Motion

3 Commentsby   |  04.19.12  |  Media

Here’s a great example of stop motion photography that I stumbled upon a few years ago. Some of you may have seen this before but I thought I’d go ahead and share it. Enjoy :)

Photographer of the week 10: Viola

0 Commentsby   |  03.29.12  |  film + photography

Bill Viola is a brilliant video artist. Although his medium is primarily video, nonetheless, his works take an incredible amount of photography and technology in the making of images. His work is quite appropriate for our discussion at this point, the interweaving of photography and video.

Watch the 12min video interview about Tristan und Isolde in Sweden and Finland this Summer from the link below. Or ‘google’ his work online for more images.