Typography Illustrated

0 Commentsby   |  03.27.12  |  Reflection (P3)

I really enjoyed this project. Blogs are one of the most commonly used formats on the web and i use them constantly, the decision to create a typography blog was an obvious one to me. Its something that I am most familiar with viewing but this project has definetly changed my perspective on their functionality and how delicate the hierarchy and layout of a blog can be. Overall I think my idea was much stronger with this project and the process work helped enormously in formulating that idea. For this project specifically I decided to focus more on my preliminary drawings, which I am increasingly learning more and more that the process is vital to producing a good quality website. On this project I still struggled with finessing the fine details that really made the hierarchy work. Although i feel my design solution was functional and pleasing to look at, I think next time I will approach the initial concept and try to find as many diverse and dynamic solutions as possible. I believe my websites have been lacking a sense of originality and i hope to change that in the future. As far as techinical difficulties it is still takes me quite some time to do work on photoshop and im hoping i can add some more three dimensionality to my work which i feel it is lacking. Overall i really enjoyed this assignment and i find interactive design to be quite a challenge, but also something i would like to continue to improve on. I find that my work tends to use a strick adherance to the grid, while sometime this can be very positive, but i really want to push back the grid. Use it without it dominating the design which is definitely something that can increase the quality of the design.

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