Archive for ‘Task and/or Functionality List (P5)’


0 Commentsby   |  04.27.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

-To have the option to choose whether the app asks you questions or whether it just records what you do on your phone and some GPS functions.
-have a privacy limit.
-to generate infographics in a customizable way (fluffy mode).
-it would figure out unknown habits and patterns in our daily lives.
-have the option to categorize information or even customize which info it gathers (I.e. how many times a day you open an app or just how often you slide to unlock your phone).

Tasks & Functionality

0 Commentsby   |  04.26.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

Tasks List:

1. Infographs your food throughout the day

2. Infographs the money you’ve spent that week and adds up throughtout the month/year (and what you’ve paid highest on)

3. Share infographs found with facebook/twitter

4. Infographs your class attendance

5. Infographs colors of certain subjects (ex: money tracker can be green)



After grabbing ideas from the class and understanding the ideas of what this app can do, here is what I want the functionality of this app to be:

-Will make infographics from certain apps on your phone (not all) ex: calls, text messages, itunes, mail, maps, facebook, twitter, calendar

-Will coordinate colors into the infographic that fits the subject

-Will have the ability to track your phone locations by gps (has the ability to be turned on or off)

-Have the choice of selection of infographics with the same subject like angry birds vs. tap tap (games section). Will have sections for games, social media, informative, photo, etc.


0 Commentsby   |  04.26.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. This app will collect data from your phone, through applications including texting, weather, facebook, phone calls, etc. It will also take data about phone usage totals.

2. It will then make an infographic- in the form of a simple graph, and it can compare and contrast some of this data, or it can just state facts about you from this data

3. It will list all of your graphs like a feed, and there will be a refresh button. In your settings you can change the frequency of how often and how many it generates

4. You can search for certain graphs by searching by keyname or looking through the categories(it automatically categorizes these graphs)

5. You have the ability to tell it what applications you want or dont want to draw data from

6. You can click on the graph to expand it to full screen, and from there you can share through social media, email, text, or print this infographic. While in the full screen mode you can also like or dislike, and it will weed out ones you dont like and help it generate graphs that better suit you in the future. You can access your likes from the main menu bar

task list

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. Generate an info graphic based on your (daily, weekly, monthly) use of your phone
2. Gather data from all uses of phone to generate infographic (ipod, call, message, email, social networks, safari, other apps)
3. Be able to set up info graphic layout, how often one is created (daily, weekly, etc)
4. Be able to check how you receive infographic (through app, email, alert, etc)
5. Has option to set up specifics i.e most listened to song(s), most common texting recipient , call, etc
6. Has option to only see infographic for specific (just about ipod or app use)
7. Be able to choose color scheme
8. Have the ability to share infographic through text, social network, etc


0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. using location services, finds the most common places you visit (number of times you’ve been there this week)

2. on average how many songs listened to this week.

3. average longevity of your iPhone. This could even be current status of battery life

4. shows the apps running that use the most memory or power (thus shutting them off would save battery life)

5. shows you how many times you have turn on your phone

6. shows average response time to starting specific apps.

7.use calendar to create info graphics based on how many events under each calendar you have.

8. emails sent and to where in the world (map info graphic)

9. twitter map (maps out your followers)

10. tweets/day or photos/day linked to a social media site

Tasky task list.

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. App could show a random infographic of your info as your background/lock screen.

2. The App’s initial set-up (or at least the settings menu) could have a series of checkboxes asking what and how you want the app to gather info. For example, say you want the app to collect a lot of data based on location, but less data based on other tasks.

3. All screens/infographics could be easily shared as images on twitter/facebook with easy access posting buttons.

4. Because of the time needed for the phone to gather info, the user should be able to input previous data so that they don’t have to wait a significant amount of time for finished infographics.

5. Other things the app could check within the phone : Internet usage, website visits, amount of ‘logins,’ number of times (random letter) is typed, number of times (random word) is typed, number of times phone unlocked, ect…

Tasks // Function

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Content (P5), Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

Infographic App:

1. Look and see what the top ten most played songs are and the most common time played.

2. Add a new category to keep track of (Candy counter)

3. Look and see what the most common social media app you use

4. Look to see what you use the most on your phone

5. Share the infographic on a social media site

6. Edit a preexisting section on the infographic app (ie delete or change title)

7. Edit push notifications to modify to your needs

8. Enter in places visited that day and time visited, then view your route of that day on the map

9. View money spent that day, week, and month and average amount spent in a day

10. Edit theme/color scheme

  • Be able to edit which chart to use for the information entered
  • Be able to edit how much/which notifications to interact with
  • Be able to save infographics/have multiple infographics
  • Be able to have different infographics for different information

I like the idea of it being completely random information, but with the option to “like” things and it adjust the information by what you like, like Pandora.

Tast List

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. Phone will gather data while you use it. (not really a task)

2. User asmebls data about something the have done.

3. Submit data to generate a info graphic.

4. Share info graphic about a daily item to a social network.

5. Compile a monthly graphic that displays all the graphics made over the month.

P5 Task List & Functionality

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

With the Infographic App, the user will be able to:

1) Passively use all of their regular phone features (Facebook, Twitter, calling, texting, etc.) and procedurally generate an infographic that summarizes their usage habits on command.

1a) Adjust the data presented for different periods of time or by individual app usage.

2) Share this infogrphic at anytime via a number of social channels.

3) Input additional information that cannot be captured by a phone into the system (exercise routines, eating habits, etc.) and specify what kind of information diagram should be generated.


0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

Chartwell is a font that turns numbers into different types of graphs using ligatures. When paired with javascript on the web, it can pull from a database to create clean, simple graphs.

Allows the user to input additional data by texting it to the app so they don’t have to open the app.

Allows users to look back at trends over time and compare … possibly overlays of some sort

Gives users the option of buying a print of a year/month of infographics. Similar to the posters the printer in the cathedral dropped.