User Scenarios

0 Commentsby   |  04.16.12  |  User Scenarios (P4)

Name: Zach Johnson

Occupation: Illustrator

Location: New York, New York

Interest: Art, creativity, working with others, being outdoors, and traveling

Zach is a pretty well known illustrator up in New York, I’m sure you’ve seen some of his stuff. He is a “go go go” type guy when it comes to his work. Also, being an extreme right brain, he doesn’t always have his ducks in a row when it comes to his process work. He recently got hired to do a new freelance job and they want all of his inspiration organized and ready to show. Also, they want to know where he got it from so they can document that for future reference. At a loss of how to do this, Zach came across the “designers inspiration organizer” app and found it to be exactly what he needed. He could even link up with his art friends.



Name: Zooey Brooks

Occupation: Graphic Designer/Typography obsessed

Location: Austin TX

Interest: sketching, cooking, kayaking, and thrifting

Zooey is a young graphic designer who is really concerned with staying in the know of what’s relevant. She also loves seeing what her friends are finding and sharing her own inspiration. She came across the insp’rd app and loved it the second she saw it. She found it to be helpful in her organization.





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