Project 5 & Final Reflection

0 Commentsby   |  05.09.12  |  Reflection (P5)

Project 5:

After this project, I think I’ve finally found that I really do love this realm of design. I feel like through out the semester, I just kind of had a bad taste in my mouth and found it hard to be fully enthusiastic with everything. Being a graduating senior and just wanting this class for pure experience and not being too concerned for my grade, I realized that I had to really dig deep and find my motivation. With this project something clicked. I LOVED IT! I enjoyed exploring the personality of the app and what all I could make it be. Finding it’s own style and letting that personality come to life was the best part of this project. I feel that I finally understood the balance between complexity and simplicity. I loved that this was something that was purely for entertainment. Designing something just for pure fun and to most likely waste time made this entire process more simple for me.

Especially with this project I found myself wanting to keep going and to have page after page after page to make. This project could have kept going for forever! I honestly enjoyed the group aspect of this and getting the feeling of the collaborative environment.

Every now and then there’s a project that makes you especially excited for your future as a designer, and this was for sure one of them.



Like I said above, for most of the semester I didn’t feel like this type of design was my strength, but after looking at all of this work and actually letting myself explore all the ideas a possibilities interactive design can hold, I feel that something clicked. Even though I was exactly seeking that “A”, I feel like I’m taking more away from this class than I have any other design class. So glad ya’ll are making this required! It’s very needed. I feel that this semester more than any other, I’ve come to see where design is going, and because of that I couldn’t be more thankful that I’ve had this experience.

Everytime I see a piece of interactive work, I view it differently. I finally see how much work goes into certain things. I appreciate more the balance between design and user experience. I think differently! Which I suppose is good :)


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