Archive for ‘Interview Prep (P4)’

Interview Prep Questions YEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!

0 Commentsby   |  03.28.12  |  Interview Prep (P4)

  1. Do you seek out local art/artists? Why or why not?
  2. Do you use image-based social media, such as Pinterest? Why or why not?
  3. Do you regularly take photos of nature/buildings/places? Do you share those photos?
  4. As an artist, do you create art based your local area?
  5. As an artist, how do you share your artwork with others?
  6. As an artist, would you want to share your work with a community of artists?




Urban Runner

0 Commentsby   |  03.28.12  |  Interview Prep (P4)

1. Are you a runner, how often do you go running?

2. What are some of the most memorable times of running?

3. What is the primary reason you go running?

4. Can you describe any extreme positive or negative experiences you have running?

5. Where do you usually go running, why?

6. How often do you explore new running routes, do you like to mix it up or keep the same routes?

7. How do you decide on the route you will go running?

8. Do you use any technology to aid your running experience, such as a heart monitor or pedometer?

9. Do you use any applications on your phone for running at the moment? Do you visit any websites about running often?

10. How do you feel about an app that would map out a route for you based on a chosen location or your current location, that would provide you a route in a loop for any chosen distance? What ideas does that concept bring to your mind?