Blog One: The Good Life

2 Commentsby   |  01.20.13  |  Student Posts

The good life is an interesting concept. I really don’t think there is one specific definition or explanation of the “good life”. That seems like an obvious statement, that not everyone will agree on what makes life, well life. But I venture to say that there isn’t one specific explanation or definition of the good life for a person. As you age, as you grow, as you learn and develop your belief of what the good life is changes. As a child the good life is mac and cheese and chicken patty dinner, catching fire flies, and extra recess. As a middle and high school student the good life is passing that test you didn’t study for, getting out of having to do your chores at home, and getting asked to the school dace by that really awesome guy. Now that I sit here as an adult, or someone who is at least very quickly morphing into something that looks very similar to an adult, my understanding of the good life has, and I assume will continue to, change. Right now my understanding of the good life has everything to do with placement and purpose. The good life is living, studying, doing, loving, and exploring things that you have a passion and skill for. It is being in community and relationship with people who love, support, equip, and encourage you to grow into all of that more and more every day. I’m a firm believer that well all have a purpose in life. I’m also a firm believer that, while over arching themes exist, your purpose in life changes over time. Maybe the good life is living in your purpose for the moment. Running in your lane, burning at your wattage, or whatever other cheesy saying you can think up. There is a place you belong, there is a work you are specially created to do, there are people that are suppose to be a part of all of this. That is your lane. It is unique and specific to you. So maybe, just maybe, living the good life is living in your lane. Maybe living the good life is doing the things and being the person that only you can be and do.


  1. Carter Wells
    7:44 pm, 01.20.13

    Living the good life is a concept that is increasingly hard to define as our world diversifies and ideologies and norms shift. I have always stood by the ideal that the good life involves deeds, thoughts, and beliefs that do not solely benefit the individual, but rather edify and profit others. Living ones life in an altruistic manner is theoretically the best way to strengthen both yourself and humanity as a whole. In this sense, the Christian life of self-sacrifice is the most fulfilling and impacting life, which I would consider to be the true Good life.
    However, lately I have begun to realize the importance of understanding ones own self within the context of living selflessly. I understand that this might seem contradictory. Although focusing internally might take away from altruism initially, having a clear understanding of both your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to adapt your behaviors and thoughts accordingly. With a detailed knowledge of your predispositions in life, you will be able to combat the patterns that are detrimental to your life while increasing and maintaining those which help you to lead a Good life.
    Lastly, I think it is necessary to have a strong consistency between what you believe about yourself, the world, others, and God and the behaviors you manifest. It would be, in my opinion, near impossible to lead a Good life that is filled with cognitive dissonance and gaps between ideology and action. As the Bible says, “Faith without works is useless”. Whether you are of the Christian faith or any other belief system, dissonance between attitudes and behaviors will cause you enough discomfort, frustration, and self-hindrance to prevent a truthfully satisfying life.

  2. Josh Marshall
    12:04 pm, 01.21.13


    I couldn’t agree more with your post. As growing and maturing beings, we live in a constant state of change. Our ability to adapt to this change and find joy in the new aspects of life that we are faced with is what allows us to live a good life.

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