Evolution and Physiology of the Brain

0 Commentsby   |  03.04.13  |  Student Posts

The idea of evolution is frowned upon in Christian societies. Many Christians believe that evolution is used to rival Christianity instead of working together hand in hand. I started at Abilene Christian as a Biology major and when my professor first mentioned Evolution I though that the idea was foolish and I began to turn off my mind. Through my studies at ACU I have learned that evolution and Christianity do not have to be against each other but instead can work together to form the fabric of life.

This fact continued to follow me even after I left Biology for Psychology. Even though the biology style of evolution focused completely on the development of traits and genetics the psychology version focused must more on the development of the mind. Evolutionary Psychology has become more and more prevalent as psychology continues to develop.

Evolutionary Psychologists would argue that things like emotions, memory, and perceptions continue to improve and develop and the more superior versions of these traits will live on. These traits can be expressed through selection of a mate or expression/recognition of emotions. However, I would refute this argument. Instead of improving the aspects of emotions and of the mind I believe that what we are seeing and experiencing is simply an expression of developments in physiological parts of the brain itself. Instead of a new emotion or a new way to express things, it is simply a new way to express these emotions that the brain was incapable of previously.

Now, to further understand, I leave you with an excerpt from one of my favorite old shows so you can understand and recognize the different parts of the brain.


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