Tenure and Promotion Support

Portfolio Showcase

Faculty members are given the opportunity to receive resources during the creative phase of a tenure and promotion portfolio. These resources include direct interaction with the Tenure and Promotion Committee during specially scheduled lunch sessions, as well as examples of past work. These resources contribute to a portfolio that showcases teaching effectiveness; scholarship; creativity; collegiality; and service to the University, church and community.

For questions and more information on Tenure and Promotion support, contact Rodney Ashlock at ext. 3767.

Sample Portfolios
Sample portfolios recommended by the University T&P committee can be found on the promotion blog. Requirements for portfolios are listed in Chapter 3 of the Faculty Handbook. Though exemplary, the sample portfolios may or may not include all current requirements. 

Contact Us

Laura Carroll

Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation

Scott Hamm

Assistant Director, Director of Pedagogical Partnerships

Rodney Ashlock

Director of Faculty Development

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Director of Faculty Spiritual Formation

Amy Boone

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Hollye Jaklewicz

Event and Communication Specialist

Stephen Rektenwald

Assistant Director of Educational Technology

Brown Library Room #264
ACU Box 29201
Abilene, TX 79699-9201