ArtSquare Marketing Intern

ArtSquare is looking for an intern who is passionate about visual art and marketing to be part of our ArtSquare Academy content marketing team. We collaborate on educational webinars, articles, guides, interviews, and other marketing campaigns with established artists, gallerists, art organizations, artist consultants, and online sales platforms.

The intern should be prepared to develop relationships with our partners, connect with artists and potential collaborators on social media, manage blog publications, manage email campaigns, promote/distribute articles and webinars, assist on large-scale marketing campaigns, design/create marketing materials, and think strategically about how to engage ArtSquare’s target audience.

The intern should be ready to learn on the fly and work hand-in-hand with our team. As VP of Marketing, I will work with you on a daily basis to get you up to speed and integrate you into our current marketing efforts.

My goal is to give you an extremely valuable learning experience and a chance to connect with influencers throughout the art world. We’re a laid-back team who has a lot of fun while we work to make life better for working artists. If you’re interested in discussing the position further, shoot me an email at


Andy Derrick

Weekly Announcements 1/25/16

AIGA – ​Graphic Design Students

The first AIGA meeting will be January 27th at 6:00​ in DMC 141 – the art history room​.  If you want further information about AIGA contact Ashlyn Stewart at

Art & Design Chapel – THIS Thursday

Join us in room 141 at 11am for chapel to hear Dr. Stephanie Hamm.  Our Spring theme is “Do Again or Not So Much.”  We will watch Dr. Hamm throw the dice to see if they land on a Do Again or A Not So Much and then hear her talk about things she would do again or scrap in her own spiritual formation.

Senior Show – THIS Friday

“The Fine Print” Senior Art Show featuring the work of Lauren Payne, Chandler Taylor, Jennie Magner, and Chera Chaney will open at 6pm this Friday night at the Downtown Gallery.  Refreshments will be provided. Come out and support these seniors and earn an Art Event Credit. See you there!

1st Study Abroad Meeting

​Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Feb. 3rd 11:30.  Location will be announced in the next few days.




