Weekly Announcements: 11/16/15

Art & Design Chapel THIS Thursday

Join us to hear Mike Wiggins on Thursday in 141 at 11am.  This is our second to last chapel of the semester.

Intercollegiate Student Art Competition

The Center’s 2016 Intercollegiate Student Art Competition page is now live on our Website. Information about rules and restrictions, deadlines and due dates, and the online enrollment form can be found there.

Again this year, we will be accepting submissions using an online form in which students submit the title and other information about their artwork to enter the competition. Students may submit two entries each. Work that can be considered “contemporary” is most likely to be included in the juried exhibit. Artwork delivery will not be until January after students are back, so they can even work on their pieces during the holidays!

If you have any questions about the competition, please refer them to this link or look for the Intercollegiate button at the top of our home page, center-arts.com.

Abilene Artists Coalition – Call for Entries Nov. 16-19th.

ACU Alum, Shay (Suzy) Tracy is putting together a new group of artists and they will be hosting a show.  All questions can be directed to the number on the poster.

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Instagram Competition




Texas Atomic Iron  – THIS Friday, November 20th

The first collective group exhibition following the show in Tokyo, Japan.  Come out and see the work of Geoff Broderick and fellow artists in an exhibition in Shore Gallery.  Reception starts at 5:30 and artist talk begins at 6pm.




