Steven DaLuz Guest Lecuture

We want to encourage everyone to attend the presentation/lecture tomorrow, Feb. 19 at 1:45 PM in the Shore Gallery.

The lecture is on the sublime and the place of beauty in today’s art world. The presenter is San Antonio artist Steven DaLuz. 

Jack Maxwell has heard the lecture at a conference and it is truly awesome and inspiring. It will cover some art history, the concept of the sublime in art (with lots of inspiring images) and just be really informative.



Weekly Announcements for 2/16

Fall Registration

Arlene’s calendar for booking advising appointments will open up next week – check your email next Monday for that.  Begin preparing for those by looking at the class listings for Fall 2015 in my.acu, deciding which classes you are going to take and noting your registration dates below:

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 2.44.15 PM

NEW Instagram Competition  – Feb 16 – Feb 28

The judge for our 4th Instagram Competition is Brent Couchman a graphic designer who leads his own branding and design studio, Moniker, in San Francisco, CA. Brent has previously done branding and illustration for Fossil as well as Hatch Design. His work has been recognized by groups such as AIGA, Art Directors Club and many more.

Andy Pratt Guest Lecture – Friday, March 6th at 3pm

About Andy:

Andy has fifteen years of experience creating award-winning interactive media. He is an Executive Creative Director for Favorite Medium, a global design and technology agency with offices in Seoul and Singapore. Prior to this, he worked as a creative director at Funny Garbage, an interactive agency in New York City. This position afforded him the opportunity to work with some of the largest brands in the world, including the Smithsonian Institution, Cartoon Network, Noggin, Lego and Turner Broadcasting. His vision and strategy is showcased in apps, websites and on air content for these powerhouses, among many others.

It was incredible to see how many A&D students participated in Sing Song either directing, doing costumes, set design and props, dance team, class and club acts – way to go everyone it was a great show!




