Weekly Announcements March 22


Happy (belated) first day of Spring! Get outside and get some fresh air while it’s beautiful outside. It’ll do wonders for your overall well-being! Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you.

Study Abroad Spring Meetings!!

**Tomorrow (Tuesday 3/23) – About Scholarships – Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am in the Gallery

Interest Meetings:

  • Summer 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 20 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Spring Break 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 6 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • About Scholarships: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am (Gallery)

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:

A&D Bible Study

Art & Design Bible Study continues this Sunday, March 28th at 6 pm. *Possible location change*. Space is limited, so look for a sign-up list and details about the location in your email later this week from Dan.

Freshman and Concentration Reviews

Be on the lookout for an email regarding Freshman and Concentration reviews! First email will go out to freshmen tomorrow – March 23rd. Reviews will be held the last week of April.

Call for Entries – Great Opportunity!

This year marks the 63rd anniversary of the Permian Basin Juried Art Exhibition which promotes and celebrates practicing artists in West Texas and surrounding regions. In addition to over $2,000 in cash prizes and the chance at a solo exhibition, artists are able to list their works for sale with all proceeds going directly to the artist.  Please see the attachment for details. More information about the exhibition can also be found at www.noelartmuseum.org/juried-exhibitionSubmission deadline is April 15th.

Senior Shows:

If you missed the senior shows from this past Friday and Saturday, you can still view them through the end of this week.

Just a reminder that Jax Womack’s show is on display at the Center for Contemporary Arts, downtown Abilene.

Rachel Podruchny, Amanda Reyes-Pularczyk, and Jackie Dowden’s Senior Show is on display in the library atrium.

Covid19 Protocols Reminder

ACU’s policy remains in effect that masks are required in all buildings, including classrooms, and social distancing should be practiced. Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep yourself and our campus community safe.

A&D Weekly Announcements – 3/2/2021

Hello ACU A&D,

 I’m sure everyone is enjoying this weather much more than what we had a couple of weeks ago! Be sure to stay focused all the way through this week. Spring break is almost here but not for a few more days. If you need something or know of someone who needs some extra support, please let us know.

Senior Show: This Friday!

Jax Womack is hanging his show at the Center for Contemporary Arts this Thursday and it will be up until March 27th. He hasn’t set a date for his opening reception yet, but it will be sometime after spring break. We will send more information as it becomes available.

A&D Bible Study

Art & Design Bible Study will not take place the following two Sundays. We will resume on Sunday, March 21st.

Spring Break Building Access:

All A&D students enrolled in an art class will have access to the building during Spring Break.

Study Abroad Spring Meetings!!

Interest Meetings:

  • Summer 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 20 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Spring Break 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 6 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • About Scholarships: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am (Gallery)


Study Abroad Scholarships:


Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:


Covid19 Protocols Reminder

** In light of today’s executive order from the governor’s office, we want to reiterate that ACU’s policy remains in effect that masks are required in all buildings, including classrooms, and social distancing should be practiced. Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep yourself and our campus community safe.

TODAY! Study Abroad Interest meeting

Interested in studying abroad for a full semester? Come to the interest meeting TODAY!

If you have an interest in studying abroad for a full semester please make plans to come to the Gallery TODAY, March 2nd at 11:15am! We will talk in general about the different semester programs, what they are like, why they are important, how they will change your life and how to make them work in your schedule.

And complete this quick form:

Study Abroad Spring Meetings!!

Interest Meetings:

  • Semester Experiences: Tuesday, March 2 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Summer 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 20 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Spring Break 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 6 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • About Scholarships: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am (Gallery)

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:

A&D Weekly Announcements – 2/22/2020

Hello ACU A&D,

Well, I hope everyone is making it after the trauma of last week. I am not sure how much more we can all take. We are artists! We will survive! But seriously, if you need something or know of someone who needs some extra support please let us know.

New Admin Coordinator!

As I mentioned last week, Kara Taylor has started! Her hours will be limited on Monday and Tuesday but please make an effort to stop by and introduce yourself. You all are so good at making people feel welcome. It’s always nerve racking to start a new job.

Mandatory Meeting: THIS Thursday at 4pm (ZOOM)

This will be particularly important for our individual programs. Our plan is to break into smaller Zoom groups led by your specific program directors after a few general announcements. Please be sure to attend.

Zoom Link: https://acuonline.zoom.us/j/96173499751

[image below]

Senior Show: This Friday!

This one will also be in the library atrium, just outside the Maker Lab! But because of last week’s chaos we will be sending more information out on this later in the week.

A&D Bible Study

Art & Design Bible Study continues this coming Sunday at 6 p.m. in Bible room 121. Space is limited, so look for a sign-up list in your email later this week.

Interested in studying abroad for a full semester? Come to the interest meeting next Tuesday!

If you have an interest in studying abroad for a full semester please make plans to come to the Gallery next Tuesday, March 2nd at 11:15am! We will talk in general about the different semester programs, what they are like, why they are important, how they will change your life and how to make them work in your schedule.

And complete this quick form:

Study Abroad Spring Meetings!!

Interest Meetings:

  • Semester Experiences: Tuesday, March 2 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Summer 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 20 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Spring Break 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 6 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • About Scholarships: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am (Gallery)

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:


A&D Weekly Announcements – 2/15/2020

Hello ACU A&D,

I hope everyone is staying warm today! This is the first edition of “Weekly Announcements” in a while and we have some big news! Not to mention the ridiculous cold. As always, please take care of each other.

First Things First: New Admin Coordinator!

I would like to introduce you to Kara Taylor! She will be leading the A&D office and so much of what we do as a department. This is such an important role and we are so happy that she has joined our team. Please stop by and meet her sometime this week. Tell her about yourself and find a creative way to make her feel welcome. Because of this crazy weather we are unsure of what day exactly she will begin. So, be on the lookout!

Mandatory Meeting: February 25th, 4pm (ZOOM)

We are planning our Spring Mandatory Meeting! This will be particularly important for our individual programs. Our plan is to break into smaller Zoom groups led by your specific program directors after a few general announcements.

Zoom Link: https://acuonline.zoom.us/j/96173499751

Senior Show: Jinkies! Graduation?!

If you missed the senior show on Friday you can still run by and see it in the library atrium, just outside the Maker Lab!

[photo below]

Intercollegiate Student Art Competition

Two ACU art majors had works accepted into the Intercollegiate Student Art Competition at the Center for Contemporary Arts. Lauren Lee had two photographs accepted and earned a Second and Third Place award within the photography category. Allee Casey had a painting and a sculpture accepted for the show. Her sculpture was selected for Third Place in the 3D category. The exhibition is still up for viewing at the CCA.

A&D Bible Study

Art & Design Bible Study continues this Sunday at 6 p.m. in Bible room 121. Space is limited, so look for a sign-up list in your email later this week.

Covid19 Protocols Reminder

We ask that you please continue to follow all health and safety protocols. Many of us are in close contact with at risk populations or are in a higher risk category ourselves. We have had devastating, personal impact within our community and we want to be as careful and considerate as possible. It is exciting to watch numbers go down so please continue to care for others.

Study Abroad Spring Meetings!!

Interest Meetings:

  • Semester Experiences: Tuesday, March 2 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Summer 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 20 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • Spring Break 2022 Experience: Tuesday, April 6 at 11:15am (Gallery)

  • About Scholarships: Tuesday, March 23 at 11:15am (Gallery)

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:





